Companies with female board members are more likely to make decisions that benefit everyone from investors to staff and not just themselves and other directors, the study added。有研究说,有女性董事成员的公司更有可能做出有利于每个人的决策,除了自己和其他董事的利益外,还能惠及投资者和员工。
Business school researchers said the findings show that having women in the boardroom is not just good for equality but good for business too。商学院[微博]研究人员说,这一发现表明公司里有女性董事成员不仅均衡了性别,更是有利商业运作。
The study for the International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics surveyed 600 board directors about their approach to decision making and other corporate issues. It found that when there were conflicting interests, women board members tended to make fairer decisions than men。国际企业管理和道德杂志研究了600名董事,调查了他们在决策和其它企业问题上的处理方法。调查发现当有利益冲突时,女性董事比男性会倾向于做出更公正的决定。
Female directors were more likely to consider how the decision would affect others, whether it is employees, investors or stakeholders for instance. To do this, women on the board were also more likely to use others in the decision making process, which led to a much more co-operative feeling within the company itself. As a consequence, female influenced companies were generally more successful than male dominated ones, it found。女性董事更会考虑做出的决定将对别人带来怎样的影响,比如说员工、投资者或股东。为了做到这一点,在决策过程中女性董事更会带动他人,在公司内部产生更强的协同感。因此,受到女性影响的公司普遍会比男性占主导地位的公司更为成功。
The study was conducted by strategic management professor Chris Bart of Canada's McMaster University and Gregory McQueen of A.T.Still University in Arizona。加拿大麦克马斯特大学的战略管理学教授克里斯·巴特和在亚利桑那州的A. T. 斯蒂尔健康科学大[微博]学的格雷戈里·麦奎因开展了这项研究。
Of the 600 board members studied, 75 per cent were male and it found men were more likely to take decisions based on rules, regulations and traditional methods。在被研究的600名董事中,75%是男性。研究发现男性更会基于规则、法规和传统方法做出决策。
Women, however, were more likely to try new ways and 'more prepared to rock the boat' it said. Professor Bart said: "We've known for some time that companies that have more women on their boards have better results. "Our findings show that having women on the board is no longer just the right thing but also the smart thing to do. "Companies with few female directors may actually be shortchanging their investors."“然而女人则更会尝试新方式,也更具有危机意识。”巴特教授说:“我们已经知道,在公司董事会中的女性人数越多,公司效益越好。”“研究表明,让女性在董事会中有一席之地不仅是正确之举,更是明智之举。”“没有女性董事的公司可能会欺骗他们的投资者。”
Britain's top businesses are making some progress in promoting women though they still have some way to go according to recent reports。根据最近的报告,英国的头等大事是在提升妇女地位上做出努力,虽然说他们还有很长一段路要走。
There are now just seven companies in the FTSE 100 which have no female directors, of which five are mining companies. But a similar study from 2010 showed there were 21 of the 100 without a single female director, suggesting things have moved forward。目前在列于富时100指数的公司中有7家没有女性董事,其中5家是矿业公司。但2010年的一项相类似的研究显示,在100家公司中有21家没有女性董事成员,这说明形势已经得到改善。
Yet in 2010 there were only two female chief executives and although there were four by the end of 2012, two of these have since left their jobs as well。在2010年只有两位女性首席执行官,而到了2012年底有四位女性首席执行官,虽然其中有两位已经离职。
Gregory McQueen said: "Women seem to be predisposed tobe more inquisitive and to see more possiblesolutions." "At the board level where directors are compelled to actin the best interest of the corporation while taking the viewpoints of multiplestakeholders into account, this quality makes them more effective corporatedirectors."
Previous studies have shown that corporations with women on the board perform better and are less likely to go bankrupt。先前的研究显示,有女性董事会的公司表现得更好,也不太可能破产。