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2013年04月26日11:12  沪江英语 微博   


  • 你是哪种职场颜色人
  • 你是哪种职场颜色人
  • 你是哪种职场颜色人
  • 你是哪种职场颜色人
  • 你是哪种职场颜色人
  • 你是哪种职场颜色人
  • 你是哪种职场颜色人
  • 你是哪种职场颜色人
  • 你是哪种职场颜色人

  The best leaders have an acute understanding of their employees’ temperaments. In the book "Colour Savvy," authors Susan Geary and Anne Bulstrode discuss four different temperaments—Inquiring Green, Resourceful Orange, Organized Gold and Authentic Blue—based on a person’s needs and values。最好的领导莫过于对员工的禀性知根知底。在《颜色的智慧》一书中,作者苏珊-基尔和安妮-伯斯德根据个人需要和价值,将性格分成了四种不同类型——孜孜以求之绿色禀性、足智多谋之橙色禀性、有条不紊之金色禀性、忠诚可靠之蓝色禀性。

  If you’re able to identify these different temperaments in people, you can pinpoint their strengths and challenges. You will also understand the best ways to interact and work with them。如果你能用这种方法洞察不同人的禀性,那你不仅能识破他们的优缺点,还很清楚怎样跟他们沟通协作才最好。

  Temperaments are different from personalities, because several temperaments can make up a personality, but everyone is born with a “preferred way of doing things,” or a preferred temperament. Here’s how to best work with these four types:禀性与性格还是有所区别的:性格可以由几种禀性后天促成,但禀性却是每个人先天就具有的、是首要的。请看下面如何跟这四种类型的人打交道:

  1. Inquiring Green1. 孜孜以求之绿色禀性

  Inquiring Greens include Martin Luther King, Jr. and Woody Allen绿色禀性的代表人物有马丁-路德-金、伍迪-艾伦。

  “Inquiring Greens” are constantly on an ongoing quest for knowledge, usually through facts and data. They tend to be independent thinkers and don’t like others telling them what to do. They value progress and improvement … tend not to get mired in the past or present but are oriented to the future and progression。“孜孜以求型”的人总是通过事实和数据不断寻求知识。这种人有自己的一套想法,不喜欢别人告诉他们该怎么做。他们看重进步和提高,不拘泥于过去或现在的境况,总是奔向未来前进。

  These employees make great visionary and strategic leaders and are especially adept at dealing with complex issues—whether it is a computer, mechanical or organizational problems. They are primarily big picture people and can see possible pitfalls and contingencies in a situation. However, they are also prone to feeling uncomfortable in social situations and therefore may give off a cold, impatient and uncaring vibe。这类人有望成为有远见有策略的领导,擅于处理复杂问题——诸如计算机、机械或组织问题等。他们擅长从大局着手,进而洞察局势的动荡起伏。不过,这种人在社交场合有可能让人觉得别扭,容易使气氛变得紧张不耐烦。

  Tips for working with an Inquiring Green:如何与绿色禀性的人相处:

  Present your arguments in a logical manner。有逻辑地陈述观点。

  Show confidence。充满自信。

  Be willing to debate ideas, and be open to feedback and critiquing。勇于辩论,乐于接受反馈和批评。

  Be a problem solver; come to the table with a solution。着眼于解决问题,带着解决方案去讨论。

  Keep your cool; don’t get offended by their bluntness。保持镇静,别因对方的明言快语而方寸大乱。

  Don’t make small talk。不扯淡。

  Don’t micromanage them。从大局管理这类员工。

  2. Resourceful Orange2. 足智多谋之橙色禀性

  Resourceful Oranges include Ronald Reagan and Richard Branson橙色禀性的代表人物有罗纳德-里根和理查德-布兰森。

  These people typically hate to sit still for long periods of time and usually value excitement and action more than planning. They tend to make decisions quickly and don’t like to spend too much time thinking about it. Furthermore, they prefer change and unpredictability to a stable environment。这种人通常耐不住久坐,喜欢刺激和行动甚于计划。他们做决定比较迅速,不喜欢耗时间去思考。而且,他们喜欢在稳定的环境中寻求变化和不确定性。

  Resourceful Oranges are the most adaptable out of all the Temperaments and “function optimally when they need to work on tight deadlines or juggle multiple priorities。” When problems arise, these people automatically go into action mode and don’t tend to panic. They are also great negotiators and have an easy time charming others to get them on board with their missions。在所有类型中,“足智多谋型”的人适应能力最强;而且,面对紧急任务或多项抉择时,他们表现尤为出色。这种人一遇到问题就立马采取行动,绝不会惊慌失措。此外,他们非常擅于谈判,能轻松赢得人心为他们效力。

  Since they are highly energetic and like to do things spontaneously, they may have a reputation as being ”immature, rambunctious, noisy, disordered and careless。”因为这类人活力充沛、随性而为,人们很容易认为他们“不成熟、率性、喧闹无秩序、粗心大意”。

  Tips for working with a Resourceful Orange:如何与橙色禀性的人相处:

  Use humor when dealing with Resourceful Oranges。幽默处之。

  Do not expect a micromanager。不可从细节方面管理。

  Create a competitive environment, because these workers think it’s a game。营造竞争氛围,因为竞争在这类员工看来是“游戏”。

  Tell Resourceful Oranges what you want accomplished, not how to do the job。强调你想要的结果,而不是过程。

  Make use of their skills in a crisis situation。紧急关头重用他们。

  Make them feel part of the team。让他们始终感到团队的关怀。

  3. Organized Gold3.有条不紊之金色禀性

  Organized Golds include Queen Elizabeth II and Julia Child金色禀性的代表人物有伊丽莎白二世和茱莉亚-查尔德。

  These people think it’s important to be part of a community, so they work best when they feel a sense of belonging. They prefer hierarchical structures and believe that everyone should have specific duties and responsibilities. They perform best in teams and groups. Organized Golds thrive at planning and organizing and have an easy time identifying priorities and managing others。这种人非常看重团队感,有了归属感便能全力以赴。他们喜欢阶级性组织,认为每个人都应该各就其位、各司其职。他们在团队和组织中表现最为出色。有条不紊的人擅于制定计划并组织任务,很会安排先后次序、管理他人。

  As for their challenges, Organized Golds often have a difficult time remaining calm in different scenarios. They are overprotective, sometimes rigid and, often, overworked and exhausted. They prefer routine and don’t do well with change。但遇到挑战时,这种人不太容易在不同情形下保持镇静。他们保护性很强,甚至有点刻板,一般都会过度劳累,把自己搞得精疲力竭。他们喜欢按部就班,不喜欢变化。

  Tips for working with an Organized Gold: 如何与金色禀性的人相处:

  Present your ideas in a systematic way。有系统地表达观点。

  Be punctual。守时。

  Be prepared and open to criticism。乐于接受批评。

  Be a team player。注重团队身份。

  Give these people a sense of belonging。给他们归属感。

  Fill them in on the details of a task。给他们安排详细具体的任务。

  4. Authentic Blue4. 忠诚可靠之蓝色禀性

  Authentic Blues include Oprah Winfrey and Jimmy Carter蓝色禀性的代表人物有奥普拉-温弗瑞和吉米-卡特。

  These people are always trying to find meaning and significance in their personal and professional lives. Out of all the temperaments, Authentic Blues are the best at communicating with others and “can be gifted in the use of stories, analogies and metaphors。” However, since they are so in tune with their feelings and everyone else’s feelings, these people are often hypersensitive to criticism and conflict and are “overly helpful。”这类人总在寻求生活与职业的意义。在所有类型中,蓝色禀性的人最擅长与人沟通,在利用故事、比喻及隐喻方面很有天赋。但是,因为他们过于顾及自己或他人的感受,对批评和矛盾也就显得过于敏感,有时候感觉“热情过度”。

  Tips for working with an Authentic Blue:如何与蓝色禀性的人相处:

  Focus on the future, not the past。强调未来而非过去。

  Make use of stories, metaphors and analogies when explaining yourself。表达时多引用故事、比喻及隐喻。

  Use personal examples to make your point。用个人事例强调观点。

  Listen to them when they are not satisfied with something。当他们心存不满时要给予倾听。

  When presenting new ideas or tasks, start with the big picture and then drill down to the detail if necessary。实施新想法或任务时,先展开大的图景,必要时再解释细节部分。

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