
2013年05月20日10:46  沪江英语 微博   
戛纳电影节直播遇险:奥斯卡影帝遇枪击威胁 戛纳电影节直播遇险:奥斯卡影帝遇枪击威胁
戛纳电影节直播遇险:奥斯卡影帝遇枪击威胁 戛纳电影节直播遇险:奥斯卡影帝遇枪击威胁
克里斯托弗-瓦尔兹在《无耻混蛋》里的角色 克里斯托弗-瓦尔兹在《无耻混蛋》里的角色

  Oscar winning actor Christoph Waltz was left shaken tonight after a man pointed a hand-gun at him during a live TV show and threatened to blow up a studio with a hand grenade。奥斯卡影帝克里斯托弗-瓦尔兹在一场电视直播节目中遭遇一男子持枪威胁,该男子还威胁称要用手榴弹引爆摄影现场。克里斯托弗在离开现场时还吓得颤抖不已。

  Waltz, who won Oscars for roles in two Quentin Tarantino movies, was being interviewed on the set of a live French news programme with fellow actor Daniel Auteuil when two shots were fired。克里斯托弗-瓦尔兹因出演了两部昆汀-塔伦蒂诺的电影而获得奥斯卡奖。此次他应邀和演员丹尼尔-奥图一起参加法国一电视直播节目。就在节目现场发生了枪击事件,现场有两次开枪。

  A recording of the moment shows the audience run away in panic, as security guards rush Waltz and Auteuil off stage。现场录像显示,现场观众惊慌地向四处逃散,同时保安人员冲向瓦尔兹和奥图,将两人带离现场。

  Speaking to the Daily Mail, Waltz told how for a few desperate moments he feared for his life。瓦尔兹告诉《每日邮报》在那个恐怖的时刻,他害怕得要死。

  'I was on a panel at the Studio Canal platform off the beach when a man produced a gun,' he said. 'I think it was a pistol and he fired but luckily for me they were blanks。“我当时在海滩上的一个戛纳电影节搭的展台上,这时一个男人拿了把枪过来。我觉得那是一把手枪,他开火了,但所幸的是都没有打中。”

  'Then he shouted he had a grenade and again luckily for me there was no grenade。“然后这个男人又叫嚣说自己有手榴弹,再一次,幸运地,其实并没有什么手榴弹。”

  'The police have him. They tackled him to the ground. I don't know who he was or where he came from or what his problem was.'“后来警察抓住了他,并把他按倒在地。我不知道这个男人到底是谁,从哪儿来的的,或者他有什么问题。”

  Witness added: 'The bodyguards jumped over the barriers into the crowd and pulled him to the ground. The police arrived and told everyone to run because there was a grenade in his hand.'目击者补充说,“保安们立刻冲过围栏,冲向人群,把这个男人摁倒在地。警察过来时告诉所有人离开,因为嫌疑犯手上有手榴弹。”

  Police arrested the man at the scene and found he was carrying a dummy grenade and a knife, authorities said。官方消息说,警方现场就逮捕了嫌疑人,并发现他带了一个仿制手榴弹和一把刀。

  'It really appears to be a crazy guy,' said a police source.'There were no bullets in the gun and the grenade was a fake.'警方说,“这人真的就是一疯子。他的手枪里没有子弹,手榴弹也是假的。”

  Waltz is a festival jury member along with Steven Spielberg and Nicole Kidman。克里斯托弗-瓦尔兹此次是作为评委参加戛纳电影节,同样担任评委的还有斯蒂芬-斯皮尔伯格和妮可-基德曼。

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