For a good chance at a happy life, head to Australia, whichone again topped the Organization for Economic Cooperation andDevelopment's Better Life Index, which looks at the quality of lifein member countries。
The (OECD) — an international economic organization —analyzed 34 countries in 11 categories, including income, housing,jobs, community, education, environment, civic engagement, health,life satisfaction, safety, and work-life balance。
We looked at the countries with the highest overall scores,and highlighted a few of the criteria on the following slides。
15 Ireland
The Irish have a strong sense of community — 96% of peoplebelieve they know someone they could rely on in a time of need(higher than the OECD average of 90%)。
爱尔兰人有强烈的社区意识,96%的人相信在需要的时候他们有可以依靠的人 (高于经合组织90%的平均水平)。
They also rate highly in work-life balance, where the averageemployee works 1,543 hours a year, less than the OECD average of1,776.
14 Luxembourg
Luxembourg rates well in both health and environment, with anaverage life expectancy of 81 years and a low level of atmosphericPM10.
Citizens also have a high participation rate in the politicalprocess, with 91% of the population turning out for recentelections。
13 Austria
Austria has a high rate for education. 82% of Austrian adultsages 25-64 have earned the equivalent of a high school degree。
奥地利有很高的教育率。25岁 到64岁的奥地利成年人里有82%获得相当于高中学历。
Austrians also have a strong sense of community, with 94% ofthe population reporting they know someone they could rely on in atime of need。
12 Finland
Finland performed extremely well on the OECD's Programme forInternational Student Assessment — the average student scored 543in reading literacy, math, and science, whereas the average OECDscore was 497.
They also have a high level of life satisfaction with 82% ofthe population saying they have more positive experiences thannegative ones in an average day。
11 NewZealand
New Zealand has one of the best rates of renewable energy ofany OECD country with 36.47%。
Students also scored 524 in reading literacy, math, andscience on the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment— higher than the average of 497.
And New Zealand girls outperformed boys by 15 points, higherthan the average OECD gap of 9 points。
10 UnitedKingdom
85% of the English population say they have more positiveexperiences in an average day than negative ones。
They also have a high life expectancy of 81 years, and 97% ofthe people say they are satisfied with the quality of theirwater。
9 Iceland
Iceland has high levels of civic participation — 98% of peoplebelieve they know someone they could rely on in a time of need。
97% of the Iceland population are also extremely satisfiedwith their water quality, and Iceland has less air pollutantparticles per cubic meter than the OECD average。
8 Netherlands
People in the Netherlands only work 1,379 hours a year,significantly less than the OECD average of 1,776 hours。
They also test extremely high on the OECD's Programme forInternational Student Assessment with an average of 519 (the OECDaverage is 497)。
7 Denmark
Denmark has one of the highest life satisfaction rankings,with 89% of the population reporting they have more positiveexperiences in an average day than negative ones。
The Danish also know how to balance their work life withtheir personal life — only 2% of employees say they work very longhours, much lower than the OECD average of 9%。
6 UnitedStates
The U.S. has the highest average household disposable incomeon the list at $38,000 a year — much higher than the OECD averageof $23,000.
It also ranks as one of the best countries for housingconditions, with good basic facilities and general feelings ofsafety and personal space。
5 Switzerland
86% of adults in Switzerland have earned the equivalent of ahigh school degree, and students scored 517 on the OECD Programmefor International Student Assessment — higher than the average of497.
The Swiss also have a high life expectancy at 83 years ofage, and 95% of the population say they are satisfied with thequality of their water。
4 Norway
There is a strong sense of community and high levels ofsafety in Norway, where 93% of people believe that they knowsomeone they could rely on in a time of need。
Norwegians also tend to have a good work-life balance, withonly 3% of employees working very long hours, compared to the OECDaverage of 9%。
3 Canada
Canadians work only 1,702 hours a year — less than the OECDaverage — with 72% of the population working at a paid job。
There is little difference in voting levels across societytoo, suggesting there is broad inclusion in Canada’s democraticinstitutions。
2 Sweden
Having a good education is extremely important in Sweden,where 87% of adults aged 25-64 have earned the equivalent of a highschool degree。
在瑞典接受良好教育是非常重要的,年龄在25 岁到 64岁的成年人中87%获得了相当于高中学历。
They also ranked highly in all environmental categories.Their level of air pollutant particles is 10 micrograms per cubicmeter — considerably lower than the OECD average of 21 microgramsper cubic meter — and 95% of the population is satisfied with theirwater quality。
1 Australia
For the second year in a row, Australia is the number onehappiest country in the world. And it's not hard to see why —theyrank extremely well in health, civic engagement, and housing。
The life expectancy at birth in Australia is 82 years, twoyears higher than the OECD average。
Australia also has exceptional voter turnout at 93% duringrecent elections, which is far above the OECD average of 72%。