老鼠抢猫粮 喵星人一秒变怂弱弱围观(组图)

2013年06月06日11:07  沪江英语 微博   
大胆老鼠抢猫粮 喵星人竟默默围观 大胆老鼠抢猫粮 喵星人竟默默围观
大胆老鼠抢猫粮 喵星人竟默默围观 大胆老鼠抢猫粮 喵星人竟默默围观
大胆老鼠抢猫粮 喵星人竟默默围观 大胆老鼠抢猫粮 喵星人竟默默围观

  This was less like a game of cat and mouse, and more like a show of lunchtime bullying。这不像是一场猫鼠大战,而更像午餐上恃强凌弱的表演。

  When Mango the cat visited his food bowl for a bite to eat, he found a tiny field mouse had already got there first。当猫咪芒果来到他的饭碗前准备吃点东西时,他发现一只小老鼠已经先行一步。

  But rather than exhibit any of his natural feline hunting skills, timid Mango simply left the brazen visitor to it。但是,他没有展现任何猫科动物本能的狩猎技巧,胆小的芒果竟然就这样让厚颜无耻的来访者抢占自己的饭碗。

  Owner Chris Brown, who lives in Brighton, said Mango didn't know what to make of the cheeky intruder。住在布莱顿的主人克里斯·布朗说,对于厚脸皮的入侵者芒果不知道应该做些什么。

  He said: 'When I came downstairs I spotted Mango sitting staring closely at his bowl. When I glanced across I was surprised to see a mouse sitting in the bowl and calmly helping itself to some food. Mango didn't seem to know quite what to do and appeared a lot more afraid of the mouse than it did of Mango!'他说:“当我下楼时,发现芒果坐在一边紧紧盯着自己的碗。我瞥过去看,惊讶地发现一只小老鼠在碗里,淡定地吃东西。芒果看上去不知所措,而且看起来比小老鼠更害怕!”

  Rather than try and catch the mouse, or even chase it away, terrified Mango made do by sipping water while his bold companion nibbled away。芒果没有试着抓住老鼠,甚至没有把它赶走,害怕的芒果只能在一旁默默喝水,看着老鼠大胆地啃食自己的粮食。

  Eventually Mango summoned the energy to take an interest in the mouse, but seemed more interested in making friends than demonstrating his killer instinct。终于,芒果鼓起勇气去看了看老鼠,并且对老鼠表现出了兴趣,但是看起来他更希望和老鼠做朋友而不是展现自己的杀生本能。

  'At one point it appeared that he had discovered his lost instincts when he backed the mouse into a corner,' said Chris. 'Ultimately, however, he didn't touch a hair on its head and the mouse happily went on its way after eating its fill.'“当他把小老鼠逼到角落的那一刻,他好像发现了丢失的本能,”克里斯说,“不过,最终他没有碰老鼠一根汗毛,而小老鼠则在饱餐之后溜之大吉。”

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