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2013年05月20日16:21  新东方在线 微博   

  To promote their latest product, Japanese company Tange & Nakimushi Peanuts created a range of bizarre prints featuring cats resting on sushi rolls--as well as some videos recently. The amusing sushi cat photographs have caused a stir in Japan and worldwide。

  近日,日本的Tange & Nakimushi Peanuts公司发布了卧在寿司上的另类猫猫系列写真和视频,以宣传公司的新产品。这些寿司猫的照片让人忍俊不禁,在日本乃至世界各国都引起了轰动。

  In the pictures, one cat is playing table tennis on his head, one wears a hat made from shuttlecocks, one seems to be celebrating Christmas, one is covered with money...Some are cute, some look terrified and others are quite bizarre. In the videos, these cats are even seen rotating in a restaurant and flying around in Paris。


  Tange & Nakimushi Peanuts has been aiming to research about the mysterious relationship between cats and universe. And cat lovers can rest assured that no cats were harmed during the shoot。

  Tange & Nakimushi Peanuts公司一直致力于研究猫猫和宇宙之间的神秘关系。爱猫人士大可放心,猫猫们在拍摄过程中没有受到任何伤害。


  1.Those poor cats! They are unlike dogs who would happily enjoy this sort of thing。可怜的猫猫!猫猫不像狗狗,它们不喜欢被这样摆弄。

  2.This is awful...The cats do not look amused!这不好.。.小猫们看起来很不开心!


  >shuttlecock [n。羽毛球]

  >rest assured [放心,确信无疑]


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