
2013年06月07日13:25  沪江英语 微博   
安吉丽娜朱莉手术后首次公众亮相 出席皮特《末日之战》首映礼 安吉丽娜朱莉手术后首次公众亮相 出席皮特《末日之战》首映礼
安吉丽娜朱莉手术后首次公众亮相 出席皮特《末日之战》首映礼 安吉丽娜朱莉手术后首次公众亮相 出席皮特《末日之战》首映礼

  She opted to miss her aunt's funeral so she could jet to Britain to support Brad Pitt at the premiere of his new movie World War Z。安吉丽娜·朱莉选择缺席她姨妈的葬礼,这样她可以飞去英国支持皮特的新电影《末日之战》的首映礼。

  And Angelina Jolie certainly did it in style on Sunday evening as she made one of her first public appearances since she revealed to the world she recently underwent a double mastectomy。周日晚上是安吉丽娜·朱莉告诉全世界她做了双侧乳腺切除手术后第一次在公众面前亮相,当然,她依旧是闪耀登场、时髦无比。

  The 37-year-old opted to co-ordinate with her man as they both arrived to rapturous claps and screams, both wearing matching black。这位37岁的女星选择和她的男人布拉德·皮特一起以一身相配的黑衣出席首映礼,一出场便获得了全场的掌声和尖叫。

  Angelina wore a floorlength Yves St Laurent dress, while Pitt looked dapper in a suit with a casual T-shirt underneath。安吉丽娜穿了一条拖地的伊夫圣罗兰长裙,皮特则穿了休闲衬衫外加黑色西装,看上去十分帅气。

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