Media mogul Rupert Murdoch filed divorce papers from his wife of 14 years, Wendi Deng, on Thursday, a spokesman confirmed to ABC News.He said the court filing describes that their relationship had broken down irretrievably in the last six months。本周四一位发言人向ABC新闻的记者证实,国际传媒大亨默多克向其妻子邓文迪提出离婚,这段14年的婚姻走到尽头。他表示,在法院申请文书中,描述他们的感情在过去六个月里已经到了无法挽回的地步。
Eyes on prize有所追求
Deng grew up in Guangzhou, where her father was a factory manager. An exceptional student, she enrolled at Guangzhou Medical College at the age of 16 but withdrew after Jake and Joyce Cherry — an American couple working in China — agreed to sponsor her student visa to study at California State University, Northridge。邓文迪成长在广州市,她父亲是一个工厂的经理。作为一名优秀的学生,她在年仅16岁时考入了广州医科大学,但是后来她从学校退学,随一对在中国工作的美国夫妇Jake和Joyce离开中国。他们答应做邓文迪的担保人,让她去位于北岭市的加利福尼亚大学念书。
Complicated start复杂的开始
At 19, Deng moved in with the Cherry family in California. Soon after her arrival, the Cherrys' marriage began to sour, and Joyce asked Deng to move out when she grew suspicious of her husband's relationship with their new tenant. Jake, who admitted that he was infatuated with Deng, moved out too — and married Deng in 1990. They divorced two years and seven months later, by which point Deng had secured a green card to live and work in the U.S. indefinitely.19岁的邓文迪随着这对夫妇搬到加州生活。但是这样的生活不久后,这对夫妻的关系开始恶化,Joyce开始怀疑丈夫和这位房客的关系,并要求邓文迪搬走。Jake承认迷恋于邓文迪,也搬了出去——他在1990年迎娶了邓文迪。这段婚姻维持了两年零七个月,离婚后邓文迪取得了美国终身绿卡。
Interpreter to girlfriend从随行翻译到女朋友
Deng finished in the top 1% of students at Cal State and went on to study at the Yale School of Management. She graduated in 1996. Afterward, she managed to turn an internship at Star TV, News Corp.’s Asian satellite service based in Hong Kong, into a full-time job. In 1998 she began acting as an interpreter for Murdoch on his business trips to China. Murdoch separated from his second wife of 31 years in May 1998 and began holding hands with Deng in public a few months later。邓文迪以排名前1%的成绩从加利福尼亚州立大学毕业,后来前往耶鲁大学进修管理学。1996年邓文迪毕业,随后便在星空传媒集团(新闻集团公司以香港为基础的亚洲卫星服务)实习,后来获得了一份全职工作。1998年,她开始以默多克随行翻译的身份伴随他走访中国。1998年五月,默多克与他共同生活31年的妻子分居,并在几个月后与邓文迪携手出现在聚光灯下。
Man and wife丈夫与妻子
Murdoch married Deng on June 25, 1999, just 17 days after he finalized his divorce from his second wife. Deng gave up her job at Star TV and relocated to New York City.1999年6月25日默多克与邓文迪举行婚礼,仅仅与前任妻子离婚手续办成的17天后。邓文迪放弃了在星空传媒的工作,开始了纽约市的定居生活。
Stunted ambition被阻碍的野心
Shortly after Murdoch and Deng married, the tycoon told Vanity Fair that it would be inappropriate for Deng to work at News Corp. and that she kept herself busy by “working on decorating the new apartment in Manhattan." “We’ll just have to resolve that somehow," Murdoch added。在默多克与邓文迪结婚后不久,这位巨头向《名利场》杂志透露,邓文迪在新闻集团工作不太合适,而且她正在“忙于装修在曼哈顿的新房子”。“我们只有想办法解决这个问题了。”默多克说道。
married with children育有两个孩子
Part of that resolution was to have children. Deng gave birth to Grace in 2001 and to Chloe two years later。其中的一个解决方案就是孩子。2001年Grace出生了,两年后,小女儿Chloe出生。
Take my advice接收我的建议
Given her fluency in Mandarin and English, and her knowledge of the Chinese media landscape, Deng has advised News Corp. on numerous deals in China. In 2000, the Guardian reported that Deng, working closely with her stepson James Murdoch, initiated or advocated Chinese Internet investments amounting to at least $35 million — a figure that has likely grown since then. Besides helping with translation, Deng has been known to ease any tension between the Murdochs and their Chinese clients。由于普通话和英语都说得极其流利,同时也对中国的传媒市场了如指掌,邓文迪一次次地帮助了新闻集团在中国的发展。 2000年,英国《卫报》报道,邓文迪与其继子詹姆斯-默多克的密切合作,使得在中国互联网的投资总额近三千五百万——这个数字很可能从那以后一直在提升。除了帮忙翻译之外,邓文迪很善于平缓默多克公司与中国雇员的紧张关系。
Deng has more than 124,000 followers on Weibo, a Chinese microblogging site. Her page includes plenty of pics of Deng with friends like Nicole Kidman, Keith Urban and Hugh Jackman. She frequently refers to Murdoch as her "hubby."邓文迪在新浪微博上有超12.4万的粉丝,她的主页有很多邓文迪本人和友人的照片,其中有妮可·基德曼,凯斯·厄本以及休·杰克曼。她经常称默多克为“(口语)老公”。
Keep calm要冷静
When Murdoch took his seat at the July 19 parliamentary hearing, Deng patted his back and poured him a glass of water. Early in his testimony, she told him to stop banging on the table. Despite being the one to usually give orders, not receive them, Murdoch obeyed.2011年7月19日,当默多克在议会听证会落座时,邓文迪轻拍了一下他的背,并递上了一杯水。在之前的证词环节中,她告诉丈夫不要敲桌子。虽然平时是一名经常发号施令的人,默多克还是接收了这个建议。
She may have been wearing pink Chanel, but that didn't stop Deng from leaping out of her seat when an activist attempted to smear her husband's face with cream. Her graceful leap and subsequent swipe at the attacker harked back to her days as a teenage volleyball player in China. 虽然身着粉色的香奈儿,但是当有袭击者试图用盛剃须膏的纸盘砸向默多克时,邓文迪毫不犹豫地跳了起来并予以回击。她优雅的跳起并随后回击了袭击者,让人们不禁联想到她在中国作为一个青年排球运动员的时光。
Personal P.R。个人公关
Plenty of critics have described Deng as a skilled manipulator of men and a social climber. But in the aftermath of the phone-hacking inquiry and her leap to protect her husband, there has been a growing awareness that she may really have his best interests at heart。对于邓文迪,社会上有很多批评言论,说她精于掌控男人,喜欢攀高枝。但是在那场关于电话窃听案件的庭审会后,她保护丈夫的行为让她赢得很多好评,让大众看到她真的很维护丈夫的利益。
Chinese icon中国的标志
The shaving-cream incident has made Deng a modern-day folk hero in China. "When you marry, you should marry a Chinese woman. In times of danger, she will act," one blogger wrote. "Her reactions were super-fast! She walks away as the only hero." 这场剃须膏事件让邓文迪在中国成为了英雄。“要娶就娶中国女人。遇到危险时,她就挺身而出,”一位博主这样说道,“她的反应超级快!她才是唯一的英雄。”
Stand by man支持丈夫
Many of Deng's fans and detractors believe she'll stick by Murdoch's side. But they disagree on her motives. "Wendi Murdoch may be even smarter than Rupert Murdoch.She is no dummy. She is a consigliere to him, she has a self-interest. She is very protective of him and very involved."邓文迪的粉丝们相信她会始终扶持在默多克的身边。但是关于她的动机人们意见不一。“邓文迪也许比他的前妻聪明。她是默多克的军师,有自己的利益。她保护着他,同时也牵涉甚广。”