
2013年06月17日11:59  沪江英语 微博   

  Six Chinese oenology students were attacked in the early hours of Saturday in France’s wine-producing region of Bordeaux, the interior ministry said, describing the violence as an act of xenophobia 。当地时间周六凌晨,六名葡萄酒工艺学专业的中国学生在法国南部城市侯斯坦遭到袭击。法国内政部长表示,这场暴力事件是一种“排外行为”。

  The students, who had arrived in France only two months ago, were allegedly “violently attacked” by three local men who were visibly drunk and previously known to the police, a ministry statement said。这些学生刚到法国两个月,据悉他们遭遇了3名法国人的袭击,这3名袭击者当时明显已经喝醉,并且据警方称这3人已有备案。

  Two of the alleged attackers have been detained and are now in police custody。其中的2名袭击者已经被警方传讯并扣押。

  A female student was seriously hurt in the face by a glass bottle which was thrown at her。在受伤学生中有一名女生脸部严重受伤,她当时被投掷过来的玻璃酒瓶砸中。

  The students were attacked at their home in Hostens, a small village of 1,300 inhabitants located about 50 kilometers south of Bordeaux in southwest France。这些学生遇袭的地点在法国西南部城市侯斯坦,这是一个只有1300名居民的小城镇,距离港口城市波尔多南部仅50公里。

  Police had apparently called on the three suspects that night over the din they were making。警方表示事发前晚有人报警,称这三名嫌疑人吵闹声影响了住户休息。

  Following that incident, the alleged attackers went to the residence where the Chinese students were living, perhaps thinking that the students had complained to police about the noise, a source close to the case said。根据线索提供,事件发生后,三名嫌疑人到达中国留学生住所,可能认为是他们报的警。

  “When the Chinese student opened the door, he was attacked. And while the other students were trying to push the assailants out, it was then that one of the attackers threw a bottle straight in the face of the female student,” according to Jousserand。“当一名中国留学生打开门时,他就被袭击了。之后其他学生试图将袭击者阻挡在门外,就在那时,其中一个袭击者直接把一个玻璃酒瓶扔向女学生的脸。”

  Another source close to the affair said the three were very drunk. They knew exactly where the Chinese students lived and hurled “racist insults” at them, said the source。根据另外一名线人提供的资料,当时那三人已经很醉了。他们很清楚留学生的住所地址,并且对他们进行“种族歧视的辱骂”。

  The mayor of Hostens, Michel Viallesoubranne, said that the students behaved calmly, while Jousserand said they were “perfectly integrated in this small village。”侯斯坦市市长Michel Viallesoubranne表示,留学生表现得很冷静,据线人所说,这些中国留学生“很好地融入小镇的生活”。


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