
2013年06月25日12:03  沪江英语 微博   

  Buying a house is an exciting but scary step. Home ownership means making an investment in your future, but it also means committing to stay put, at least for a while. Before you make that commitment, you should ensure you are making an informed decision, and not one based on how beautiful the home is or your desire to be on your own。买房子是令人兴奋却又让人慌乱的一步。房屋所有权意味着对你的未来做了一次投资,此外也表示将承诺扎根于此,至少也会是一段时间。在你做出承诺前,你应该明了你正在做一项明智的决定,而不是因为房子是多么漂亮或是你渴望能独立。

  1. Your Financial Situation你的财务状况

  Just because you qualify for a loan does not necessarily mean you should take a loan. On the other hand, if you don't think you can qualify for a loan, you might be mistaken. When you consider buying a home, sit down with a professional--a loan counselor at your bank or a representative from the U.S. Housing and Urban Development, for instance--and discuss your options. Have tax and income documents ready, as well as a list of your expenses and a copy of your credit report. 仅仅因为你够资格去贷款也不意味着你应该贷款。换句话说,如果你认为自己没有资格申请贷款,那你可能误解了。当你在考虑买房时,和专业人士一起坐着谈谈你的选择——比方说银行的贷款咨询顾问或是美国住房和城市发展部的办事员。准备好税收和收入的文件证明,以及开销清单和一份信用报告。

  According to CNN Money, you should try to find a home that is two and a half times your yearly salary. So, if you have a yearly salary of $40,000, you should not choose a house that costs more than $120,000. However, if you have large loan payments or other expenses, you may not want to, or be qualified to, go that high. Ask the professional to help you get a good picture of your earnings, expenses and how they would change if you bought a home。根据CNN财经频道,你找的房子房价应该是你年薪的2.5倍。所以,如果你年薪40,000美元,你不应该选成本超过120,000美元的房子。然而, 如果你有大额贷款或其它开销,你可能不会想或是没有资格去申请那么多的贷款。咨询专业人士,让他们帮你明了你的收入、支出,以及如果你想买房收支应该做哪些调整。

  2. Home's History房屋概况

  A beautiful home on several acres of green yard might look appealing, but that pretty picture could be hiding problems that will cost you thousands of dollars and hours of lost sleep in the long run. According to the American Association of Realtors, you should find out as much as you can about the home before you buy。带有几亩绿地庭院的漂亮房子可能看起来很有吸引力,但这美丽的画面背后可能隐藏着诸多问题,从长远来看,这些问题将花费你上千美元,以及引发不少失眠。据美国房地产经纪人协会的建议,在你买房前,你应该找出尽可能多的关于这个房子的情况。

  Even issues that have been repaired can give you insight into what problems you might be facing a few years down the road. Get a home inspection and carefully go over the results with your inspector. If anything in the home makes you suspicious, don't hesitate to order another inspection from a different company。即使问题已经解决,在接下来的几年时间里你可以对将来要面临的问题做到心中有数。对房子做检查,认认真真地和检查人员审视检查结果。如果你对房子有任何疑虑,毫不犹豫地请另一家公司再做一次检查。

  3. Neighborhood街坊邻里

  A wonderful home isn't much good if it is in a terrible neighborhood, so find out as much as you can about the neighborhood before you buy. Talk to potential neighbors about any issues the area has been facing, and check to see if there is a neighborhood association or club. Scan newspaper police blotters

  to see if there is a large amount of crime in the area, and interview principals and teachers at the area schools, if you have children. You might also seek out PTA members or parents of children at those schools to learn more about the climate inside them。如果处在一个糟糕的街坊邻里环境中,有好房子也未必是好事。所以在买之前,尽可能找出关于街坊邻里的信息,越多越好。跟将来的邻居谈谈小区正在面临的问题,看看有没有邻里协会或俱乐部。看看报纸上警情通报,了解在该地区是否发生过很多罪案。如果你有孩子,拜访一下该地区的学校校长和教师。你也可以寻找家庭教师协会成员或是在这些学校里学习的孩子们的父母,以此更多地了解学校里的氛围。

  The aesthetic appearance of the neighborhood is also important. You probably would not want to move into a home where yours is the only house on the street that is not falling down。外观的美感同样重要。你也不想搬到在整一条街上就只有你家的房子不摇摇欲坠的地方吧。

  4. What Comes with the Home随屋之物

  It is customary for home owners to leave some major appliances, like the refrigerator and dishwasher, when they leave the home, but if you see anything else that you like, check if it is for sale. Some sellers won't mind throwing their furniture or decorations in with the home since they are moving anyway. 按照惯例,当业主卖房时,他们会留下一些主要的家用电器,如冰箱、洗碗机,然而如果你看到房子里还有你喜欢的,问一问它们是不是可以出手。一些卖家不介意把家具或装饰留着,反正他们都要搬了。

  Make sure you and the seller understand exactly what is coming with the home before you sign the contract, and list the items on the contract if it makes you feel more comfortable. Also, confirm the land boundaries and whether outdoor structures, like portable sheds and above-ground pools, will be included before you sign on the dotted line。在你签合同前,明了你和卖方完全达成统一都有什么是随同房子一起出售的,如果你觉得可以的话,在合同里把这些条目列举出来。此外,在签名处签上你的大名前,确认好房子边界以及是否包括室外结构,如便携式棚屋和室外水池。

  5. "Annoying" Factors“恼人”因素

  Every home has its annoyances: the third step creaks, or the neighbor's cat likes to lounge on your porch. Even if you are moving to a brand-new

  home, there are bound to be some annoying factors about your new home and your new location. However, try your hardest before you buy your home to know the difference between small annoying issues and deal breakers. 每个房子都有它的烦恼:在楼梯上没迈出三步就咯吱咯吱响了,或是邻居家的猫喜欢在你家的门廊上懒洋洋地躺着。即使你搬到了崭新的房子里,新房子和新的定居点肯定会有一些恼人的地方。不过在买房前,要尽你最大努力了解哪些是恼人的小问题,哪些又是原则问题。

  For instance, the American Association of Realtors notes that extra traffic and noise caused by a school might not be something you are willing to deal with. Further, consider how having a difficult-to-remodel home will affect you in five years. Visit the home you are planning to buy as many times as you can; stay overnight if possible. Look for anything that would bother you on a daily basis, and if you find something, look for another home。例如,美国房地产经纪人协会指出,你可能没有心力去处理因学校而引起的额外交通量和噪声问题。再者,考虑一下在今后五年时间里,一栋很难改造的房子将会如何影响你。参观你打算要买的房子,能去多少次就去多少次;如果可以就在那过夜。找一找在日常生活中有哪些会影响到你。如果你发现了一些问题,那就再去看其它房子。


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