
2013年06月27日15:16  沪江英语 微博   
陆克文 陆克文
茱莉亚-吉拉德拉 茱莉亚-吉拉德拉

  Kevin Rudd returned as prime minister of Australia on Thursday, three years after being replaced in the office by his then-deputy Julia Gillard. 三年前被茱莉亚-吉拉德拉下台的陆克文本周四将再次出任澳大利亚总理。

  Rudd challenged Gillard for leadership of the Labor Party on Wednesday and won a 57-45 vote among fellow Labor members of parliament。本周三陆克文与吉拉德共同竞选工党领袖,并以57票对45票击败现任工党领袖吉拉德。

  In the Australian parliamentary system, the leader of the governing party assumes the position of prime minister and on Thursday morning, in Canberra, Rudd was sworn in for a second time.Gillard resigned after the party vote on Wednesday night and announced she will leave politics。在澳大利亚的议会体系中,执政党领袖将于周四上午在堪培拉出任总理一职,这是陆克文第二次担任总理。吉拉德在票选之后于周三晚上辞任并宣布她将离开政坛。

  A major factor in Gillard's demise-- and in Rudd's Phoenix-like return -- is the election Australia has to hold by the end of this year.Under Gillard's leadership, Labor was facing overwhelming defeat, according to opinion polls. But the same polls show a Rudd-led Labor Party would fare much better at the ballot box。吉拉德退让陆克文重新上任的一个原因是澳大利亚将在年底举行的大选。根据民意调查,在陆克文的领导下,工党将会获得更高的投票支持率。

  Australian Governor-General Quentin Bryce oversaw the swearing-in ceremony at Government House in Canberra. The governor-general represents Queen Elizabeth II as head of state。仪式在澳大利亚总督白莱斯的监督下,在堪培拉礼宾府举行。总督代表着国家元首伊丽莎白女王二世。

  Rudd is widely popular with Australian voters, who go to the polls in September to pick a new parliament and government.Gillard had called for the vote herself after months of inner-party friction。选民将在九月投票选出新的议会和政府,陆克文在澳大利亚选民心中深得民心。而吉拉德在经历了数月的党内摩擦后,不得不亲自为自己拉选票。


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