
2013年06月27日16:14  沪江英语 微博   
艾玛沃特森最新杂志封面照 艾玛沃特森最新杂志封面照
艾玛沃特森最新杂志封面照 艾玛沃特森最新杂志封面照
艾玛沃特森最新杂志封面照 艾玛沃特森最新杂志封面照

  Emma Watson is fierce and elegant on the cover of Teen Vogue's August 2013 issue, which hits newsstands on July 2!近日艾玛·沃特森为《Teen Vogue》杂志8月刊拍摄了封面照,小魔女的造型狂野优雅,英气十足。该期杂志将于7月2日发售。

  Here is what the 23-year-old Bling Ring actress had to share with the mag:23岁的艾玛·沃特森之前主演了《珠光宝气》,以下是她和《Teen Vogue》杂志分享的一些想法:

  On her early success: “I think, in a way, I was very protected during Harry Potter, because I was working all the time. I would get in the car, go to the studio, and go home…Harry Potter was so massive, I don’t know if [my other projects] would even touch it, honestly, even make a dent。”对于她早期的成功:“我认为,在某种程度上,我在拍摄《哈利波特》期间是被保护起来的,因为我所有的时间都是在工作。上车,去片场,然后回家……《哈利波特》系列是如此成功,我不知道(我其他的作品)能否达到这样的高度,说实话,我都不知道能否引起人们的关注。”

  On walking the red carpet: “Every now and again, I feel a bit wobbly before hitting a red carpet. So it’s always nice to bring friends, especially because I love to see their reactions. It’s not normal to get out of a car and have, like, 80 people screaming at you, and so when they say, ‘This is crazy,’ it makes me feel slightly more sane。”关于走红毯:“有时候,我在走红毯前会感到有些颤颤巍巍,所以带上朋友一起去总是好的,尤其是我喜欢看她们的反应。你走出车外,有那么80个人对着你尖叫,当她们说‘这太疯狂’时会让我感到稍稍理智些。”

  On her future plans: “I wish so badly that I could have a plan. I’m someone who likes to be organized and know what she’s doing, and this industry just does not permit that in any shape or form。”对于她未来的计划:“我迫切希望我可以有计划,我是那种喜欢有条理并知道自己在做什么的人,但是做演员这个行业是不可能按照这种方式来的。”


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