
2013年07月04日14:11  沪江英语 微博   

  Be careful how you compliment Johnny Depp; he's very enthusiastic about showing his appreciation。你在称赞约翰尼-德普时一定要三思,他可毫不吝啬热情地表达对你的感谢。

  Appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live Monday night, Depp kissed the host three times -- once on the cheek and twice more on the lips -- in response to Jimmy Kimmel saying the Lone Ranger star has a "beautiful face."周一晚德普做客吉米-坎摩尔秀,节目中,主持人吉米夸奖这位出演《独行侠》的明星长着一张帅气的脸,便意外获得德普的三次亲吻,一次在脸上,还有两次在嘴唇上。

  In between the two kisses on the lips, as the crowd was screaming, a blushing Kimmel said he "lost his train of thought."在后两次亲吻嘴唇的间隙,台下观众大声呼叫,坎摩尔也涨红了脸,说自己“脑子里一片空白,完全不知道说到哪儿了”。

  Kimmel mock-fanned his face as he continued with the segment, and when he introduced his second guest, actress Rebecca Romijn, he quipped, “I’ll be honest, given the choice of making out with one of the guests tonight, I would have picked you。”坎摩尔一边用手扇风降温一边继续主持节目,当他介绍到第二位嘉宾女演员丽贝卡-罗梅恩时,还自嘲地说道:“说实话,要是让我从今晚两位嘉宾中选一位出去约会,我还是会选你的。”


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