A police raid of an illegal food store in southern China has exposed tonnes of rancid, decades-old chicken feet being 'processed' to be sold to unassuming customers。近日中国警方对南部一家不法食品商家进行突袭,曝光成吨的腐臭鸡爪。这些有几十年历史的“美味”经过“特殊加工”后,会卖给毫不知情的消费者。
The decaying feet, some dating back to 1967, were being 'cleaned up', plumped up and whitened at the 'foul-smelling' plant using bleach and other chemicals, before being prepared for sale。有些腐烂的鸡爪竟然出产于1967年,在腥臭扑鼻的处理场里,这些鸡爪经过漂白剂和其它化学物质“清洁”、涨泡、漂白流程之后,便可重新上市出售。
Police, who raided the criminal operation, said they also found beef tripe, cartilage and other out-of-date animal organs - all of which had been smuggled across the border from neighbouring Vietnam. In total 20 tonnes of illegal meat was seized。参与本次突袭犯罪活动的警察说,他们还发现了牛百叶、软骨和其它早已过期的动物器官,这些都是从邻国越南走私来的。警方共查处非法肉类20吨。
According to local media, the gang, based in Nanning, the capital city of south China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, was able to make up to 16,000 yuan (£1,750) profit on every tonne of the putrid meat, by injecting it with chemicals, increasing its weight by 50 per cent。据当地媒体报道,这一犯罪团伙设在广西壮族自治区首府南宁,他们向腐肉中注射化学药品,使其增重50%,这样每吨腐肉便可获利16000元人民币(合1750英镑)。
Li Jianmin, from the local Public Security Bureau, told Xinhua news agency, quoted by the South China Morning Post: 'The entire processing facility had a fishy and foul smell. You just couldn't stand it after one or two minutes.'《南华早报》援引当地公安局李剑敏告诉新华社记者的消息:“整个加工车间里又腥又臭,人进去待一两分钟就受不了。”
The stomach-churning finding is not the first to be exposed in the area. Police in Guangxi, along China's border with Vietnam, have stepped up anti-smuggling operations over the last year and have raided seven illegal food processors。这样令人反胃的发现在当地并非第一次。从去年起,位于中越边境的广西警方加强了对走私活动的监察打击力度,并成功突袭七家非法食品加工厂。
Criminal gangs have been difficult to catch, however, because illegal meats are often hidden among other produce such as fruit and vegetables, and lorry drivers are often bribed to deny any knowledge of it。然而抓捕犯罪团伙十分困难。非法肉类食品常常混藏在水果蔬菜等农产品之间,卡车司机收到好处费后也拒绝承认对此事知情。
China and its southern neighbour failed to come to an agreement on cross-border trade last month during Vietnamese president Truong Tan Sang's state visit to China, where he met with his counterpart Xi Jiping。上月越南主席张晋创对中国进行国访,会见中国主席习近平。但中越双方并未就跨境贸易达成一致。
Media reports from both countries, which have been involved in rising tensions over territories in the South China Sea, lay the blame on the their respective governments for illegal foods entering their markets.中国和越南的关系因中国南海领土问题而变得日益紧张。两国媒体都对这一事件进行了报道,指责各自政府将非法食品投放本国市场。
Vietnamese press claim chicken, sturgeon, fruit and vegetables from China have been undercutting local market prices. While illegal out-of-date produce is creating a black market in China。越南声称来自中国的鸡肉、鲟鱼和果蔬降低了当地产品的市场价位,而他们却将严重过期的不法产品运至中国,甚至还形成了黑市。