《欢乐合唱团》男主去世 明星齐悲痛(双语)

2013年07月16日11:31  沪江英语 微博   
《欢乐合唱团》男主去世 明星齐悲痛 《欢乐合唱团》男主去世 明星齐悲痛
《欢乐合唱团》男主去世 明星齐悲痛 《欢乐合唱团》男主去世 明星齐悲痛

  Glee star Cory Monteith has died at age 31. He was best known for his role as football-player-turned-singer Finn Hudson and was currently in a real-life relationship with his onscreen love, Lea Michele. Cory's fellow costars and celebrity fans like Nina Dobrev, Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, are already taking to social media to share their sadness over the devastating news. See below for their immediate reactions。《欢乐合唱团》主演科里·蒙蒂思疑因服药过量死亡,年仅31岁。他最为出名的角色就是从橄榄球运动员转行歌手的菲恩·哈德森,而且他和荧幕情侣丽娅·米雪儿在现实生活中也走到了一起。妮娜·杜波夫、金·卡戴珊、泰勒·斯威夫特等同科里合作过的演员或者明星朋友都在社交媒体上对这个可怕的消息表达了自己的悲痛之情,看看她们的反映吧。

  I'm gutted. Shocked and saddened to hear the news, my heart goes out to Cory's family and friends. Lets respect their space as they grieve.

  — Nina Dobrev (@ninadobrev) July 14, 2013我很难过。这个消息让人非常震惊和伤心。我的心飞向了科里的家人和朋友,他们现在很悲伤,让我们给他们些私人空间吧。


  Just heard about the death of Cory Monteith. So sad. Prayers 4 his family. Praying 4 Lea too! Words cant describe what they must be feeling.

  — Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) July 14, 2013刚刚听说科里的死讯,很难过。为他的家人祈祷,也为丽娅祈祷!语言难以描述他们现在所遭受的伤痛。


  #CoryMonteith no words. Prayers. This is terrible. Can't speak.

  — Kaley Cuoco (@KaleyCuoco) July 14, 2013我不知道要说什么,祈祷吧。这实在太糟糕了,什么也说不出了。


  This hurts. I love you Cory. Rest in peace. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  — Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) July 14, 2013这真让人伤心。我爱你科里。愿你安息。把我的思念和祈祷传递给你和你的家人。


  Speechless. And for the worst reason.

  — Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) July 14, 2013说不出话了,因为死亡这个最糟糕的原因。


  Cory Monteith, may your spirit be at peace, and may you fly with the angels... Heartbreaking, my prayers are with all of his loved ones!

  — Rihanna (@rihanna) July 14, 2013科里·蒙蒂思,愿你的灵魂安息,愿你同天使一起飞翔在蓝天……我心碎了,为所有他爱的人祈祷!


  Really sad about Cory Monteith's passing. Saying prayers for friends and family, what a difficult time...

  — Hilary Duff (@HilaryDuff) July 14, 2013对于科里·蒙蒂思的去世我感到非常悲伤。为他的朋友和家人祈祷,他们现在正经历多么困难的时光……



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