
2013年07月17日13:54  沪江英语 微博   
Cory因摄入过量海洛因和酒精死亡 Cory因摄入过量海洛因和酒精死亡
Cory因摄入过量海洛因和酒精死亡 Cory因摄入过量海洛因和酒精死亡

  Cory Monteith died from a lethal combination of heroin and alcohol, it has been revealed。据报道,科里·蒙蒂思因过量服用海洛因和酒精混合物而死。

  The Glee actor, who was found dead in his hotel room on Saturday at the age of 31, died from a 'mixed drug toxicity, involving heroin and alcohol,' according to authorities. The British Columbia Coroners Service revealed the autopsy results on Tuesday, adding that the investigation into his death is continuing, and that no further details were available at this time。有关方面称,这位31岁的《欢乐合唱团》主演于周六被人发现死于酒店客房中,死因是“服用含有海洛因和酒精的毒性药物致死”。英国哥伦比亚验尸机构周二公布验尸结果,并补充说正在继续调查他的死亡案件,目前还不能公布更多细节。

  Monteith's girlfriend Lea Michele released a statement through her rep on Monday afternoon, claiming she is 'grieving alongside' Monteith's family. 'They are supporting each other as they endure this profound loss together. We continue to ask the media to respect the privacy of Lea and Cory’s family,' the rep added。蒙蒂思的女友丽亚·米雪儿周一下午通过其代表人发布了声明,称她“和蒙蒂思的家庭一样悲痛”。代表人说:“丽亚和科瑞的家庭相互扶持,一起面对这沉重的打击。我们继续请求媒体能尊重这两个家庭的隐私。”

  Police expedited Monteith's autopsy and toxicology report due to the widespread publicity of his sudden death. A medical team from the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority performed the postmortem exam。蒙蒂思突然死亡的消息迅速在公众范围内传播,使得警方不得不加快进行尸检和毒理报告。来自温哥华海岸卫生局的医疗小队负责验尸工作。

  'Mr. Monteith was alone [in his hotel room] when he died,' a Vancouver Police Department spokesperson said. 'He took the heroin when he was alone by himself. It is still unclear what happened to Monteith in the hours leading up to his death.'一位温哥华警局发言人称:“蒙蒂思先生(在酒店客房)死亡时周围没有其他人。是他独自一人服下海洛因的。究竟在他死前几小时发生过什么事情尚不明确。”

  According to authorities, Monteith and three unidentified people left his hotel room on Friday night and that the actor returned alone at around 2:15 a.m. Hotel staff found his body shortly after noon when Monteith didn't check out。有关方面称,蒙蒂思周五晚上和三个身份不明的人一起离开酒店,大概在早晨2点15分左右独自回来。中午过后蒙蒂思仍未结账离开,于是酒店员工在客房里发现了他的尸体。

  The three individuals were questioned and the Police Department representative said, 'They were all cooperative,' adding that no arrests were made. It follows claims the star led a 'double life' as a hard-worker when in Los Angeles, and a substance-abuser whenever he would return to his native Canada。另三个身份不明的人接受了警方调查,警局代表称“他们十分配合工作。”还说目前并未逮捕任何人。此前有人说这位明星过着“双面生活”:在洛杉矶他是个勤奋的演员,但不管什么时候到了家乡加拿大,就会变成滥用酒精毒品的吸毒者。

  Monteith, who checked into rehab in March, managed to stay clean while on the Glee set, but his resolve to stay sober weakened whenever he visited Vancouver, a source told TMZ。消息人士告诉美国名人消息网说,蒙蒂思的确在三月《欢乐合唱团》拍摄时期进了戒毒所,成功摆脱毒品困扰。但每当他回到温哥华 时,就没法抗拒毒品的诱惑了。

  According to sources, Monteith's girlfriend and Glee costar Lea Michele, along with the rest of the hit television show's cast, were aware of his addiction problems and worked hard to keep him clean and sober. Monteith allegedly never showed up for work under the influence of drugs or alcohol and abstained from these substances 'most of the time.'还有消息称,蒙蒂思的女友,共同出演《欢乐合唱团》的丽亚·米雪儿和这部热播剧的其他成员都意识到蒙蒂思的毒瘾问题,并一起努力帮他戒毒、恢复神智。蒙蒂思也曾说要在工作时摆脱毒品酒精等不良影响,而且“在大多数时间里”不再碰它们。

  But his life in Canada painted a different picture. Monteith allegedly returned to his hometown of Vancouver often, and surrounded himself with friends who fueled his addiction. Drugs and alcohol were reportedly 'always involved.'然而他在加拿大却过着另外一种生活。有人说蒙蒂思经常回家乡温哥华,和他的朋友在一起时总会毒瘾复发。据说毒品和酒精“经常出现在他的生活里”。

  Meanwhile, FOX officials said it is too soon to say how Monteith's death will be handled on Glee. According to FOX news, producers are scheduling meetings to discuss how to move forward without his character, Finn Hudson。同时,福克斯方面主管也表示现在还无法确定《欢乐合唱团》将因蒙蒂思之死做出何种更改。据福克斯新闻报道,制片人正组织会议,商讨如何继续拍摄缺少主角费恩·哈德森的《欢乐合唱团》。

  Industry experts predict Monteith's death will have a serious effect on the hit show, which was scheduled to start shooting next month。业内专家推测蒙蒂思之死对《欢乐合唱团》影响巨大,这部热播剧原计划下月起开机拍摄。


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