Forbes released their annual list of the highest-earning celebrities under 30, and it's Lady Gaga, not (*cue Nicki Minaj voice*) Just-in Bie-ber who tops the chart。近日,福布斯公布了30岁以下明星年度收入排行榜,登上榜首的不是贾斯汀·比伯,而是Lady Gaga。
According to the magazine, Gaga raked in $80 million, thanks in large part to her tour. The global jaunt
dialed up $168 million before a bum hip sidelined Mother Monster, and Forbes estimates it could have topped $200 million if it went on as planned. Gaga is, of course, readying her new album "#ARTPOP" for release, so between that and the inevitable world tour that will follow, look for this 27-year-old to keep adding stacks of gold doubloons to her already gigantic pile. 据福布斯杂志报道,GAGA去年狂揽8000万美元,这主要得益于她的巡回演唱会。在她臀部受伤被迫取消巡演之前,这位歌手已经赚得了1.68亿美元的收入。而且福布斯估计,如果GAGA没有受伤的话,金额会上升至2亿美元。当然了,GAGA已经准备好发行自己的新专辑《ARTPOP》了,再加上之后一定会进行的全球巡演,我们拭目以待这位27岁的歌手在她已经无比雄厚的资金收入上继续吸金。
Worry not, Bieber fans: The young pop star kept it icy at $58 million, some of which he's smartly put into investments at big-name start-ups like Spotify. Forbes also admits that he may have cleared even more this year. Not bad for a 19-year-old, right?比伯的粉丝们不要担心:这位年轻的流行歌手以5800万美元名列第二,他英明地用其中部分资金投资了一些像Spotify这样大名鼎鼎的新兴公司。福布斯也承认今年他的收入也许会继续增加。对于才19岁的比伯来说,挺不赖的,对吧?
A cadre
of other familiar faces round out the Top 10: Taylor Swift cleared $55 million, Calvin Harris notched $46 million (and bought a really nice house), Rihanna clocked in at $43 million, Katy Perry rang up $39 million, Jennifer Lawrence won an Oscar and brought in $26 million, Adele earned $25 million off your tears, and Kristen Stewart and her "Twilight" co-star Taylor Lautner each cleared $22 million。其他一些熟面孔也排在了前十位:泰勒·斯威夫特以5500万美元排名第三,卡尔文·哈里斯4600万美元排名第四(还买了一栋漂亮的房子),蕾哈娜和水果姐凯蒂·佩里分别以4300万美元和3900万美元排名五六,詹妮弗·劳伦斯在摘得奥斯卡影后的同时还收获2600万美元,阿黛尔则在赚得眼泪的同时收获了2500万美元,克里斯汀·斯图尔特和她《暮光之城》的合作演员泰勒·洛特纳均为2200万美元。