
2013年07月29日18:06  沪江英语 微博   
比伯亮相赛琳娜生日派对送红玫瑰 比伯亮相赛琳娜生日派对送红玫瑰
比伯亮相赛琳娜生日派对送红玫瑰 比伯亮相赛琳娜生日派对送红玫瑰

  Selena Gomez held yet another birthday celebration to ring in her big 2-1 with family and friends at Revolve Clothing beach house in Malibu on Saturday, July 27, with one famous (and unannounced) face making a late appearance: on-again, off-again boyfriend Justin Bieber.7月27日星期六,赛琳娜·戈麦斯在位于马里布的海滩别墅又办了一场生日派对,来庆祝自己的21岁生日。与她分分合合的男友贾斯汀·比伯虽然姗姗来迟,但还是出现在了派对上。

  The "Heartbreaker" singer, 19, arrived at the gypsy-themed house party around 9 p.m., an eyewitness tells Us, dressed down in a black-and-green letterman jacket, dark jeans, with a small present for the birthday girl。据一位目击者透露,19岁的贾斯汀·比伯大概晚上9点才现身这场吉普赛主题派对,身穿黑绿相间的夹克衫和深色牛仔裤,还为寿星女准备了一份小礼物。

  "Justin flew in specifically for the party on a day off from his tour," the source tells Us. "He wasn't dressed in costume, but carried a single red rose in his hand."“贾斯汀为了这个派对特地飞过来,”知情者透露说,“他没有穿得很隆重,但是手里拿着一朵红玫瑰。”

  Other celebrity guests included Julianne Hough, Nina Dobrev, Derek Hough, Ashley Benson and Jaden Smith, among others. Best friend Taylor Swift was performing at a show and unable to attend。来参加派对的还有许多人,其中包括朱莉安·浩夫、妮娜·杜波夫、阿什利·本森和贾登·史密斯。好友泰勒·斯威夫特因演出而不能前来参加。

  "Everybody danced and had a blast, especially Selena, who was surrounded by her friends," an insider tells Us. Gomez's birthday cake was shaped like an elephant on a pillow, with a giant "21" sitting atop the creation, the source tells Us。“每个人都尽情地跳舞、尽情地狂欢,尤其是赛琳娜,她被一堆好友围着。”一位内部人士说。戈麦斯的生日蛋糕外形像是一只在枕头上的大象,上面写着大大的数字21。

  Later in the night, Smith helped the Gomez and Bieber sneak out of the house under a blanket and an umbrella, the source tells Us. Gomez and Bieber were holding hands。线人还透露,晚些时候,史密斯用毯子和雨伞帮助戈麦斯和比伯溜了出来,而且两人还牵着手。


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