Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and a few of their children arrived in Tokyo on Sunday. The family is in Japan to prepare for the premiere of Brad's World War Z. The flick was already released in the United States in June, but now it is making its way around the world。布莱德·皮特、安吉丽娜·朱莉和他们的几个孩子周日现身东京机场。一家人来日本是为了准备皮特的电影《僵尸世界大战》的首映。这部电影6月已在美国上映,但现在正在进行全球宣传。
Angelina and Brad appeared to have a good control on their little ones, with Angie holding hands with Vivienne and Brad walking with Vivienne's twin, Knox. 朱莉和皮特似乎很擅长控制这些孩子,朱莉牵着女儿维维恩的手,布拉德则和维维恩的龙凤胎哥哥诺克斯走在一起。
The two kids, who recently celebrated their fifth birthday on July 12, smiled at the cameras as they made their way through the airport。两个孩子7月12日刚刚过完他们的5岁生日,从机场出来时,两人一直对着摄像机微笑。
Meanwhile, Pax walked on his own and held on tightly to a large purple stuffed animal, the same toy that he has been traveling with during the past few months。同时,帕克斯独自走着,手里紧紧抱着一个紫色的动物玩偶。这几个月只要出门旅行,他都会带着这个玩偶。
It didn't appear that the couple's eldest child, Maddox, had traveled with them to Tokyo, but the family may have special plans for him in the works as he'll celebrate his twelfth birthday on Aug. 5.最大的孩子马多克斯并未和家人一同亮相东京,不过家人也许会为他做些特别的计划,因为8月5日就是他12岁生日了。
Maddox recently had a scare when a man was arrested for stealing his iPad while he was playing paintball in Bellflower, CA, last week。上周,马多克斯在加州贝尔弗劳尔玩彩弹射击时,有人企图盗窃他的iPad并被捕,所以他受到了点惊吓。