双语:细数Taylor Swift最害怕的五件事

2013年08月15日11:09  新东方在线 微博   


细数Taylor Swift最害怕的5件事细数Taylor Swift最害怕的5件事

摘要:人人都有害怕的东西,美国乡村音乐歌手泰勒 斯威夫特也不例外。可是,她竟然担心会遭受逮捕以及去谷歌检索自己的名字,让我们一起来看看到底是怎么回事吧!

  Everyone is different and everyone has that one thing that strikes fear in his or her heart. For Taylor Swift, it’s the threat of typing her name into the Google search bar。


  Marie Claire magazine had the 23-year-old songstress complete their “What’s on” questionnaire, in which we learned Swift’s top five biggest fears include: 1. Sea urchins 2. Googling myself 3. Earwigs4. Cynics 5. Getting arrested。


  Swift truly seems concerned about getting arrested. She’s brought it up in past interviews and she just lost it when Justin Bieber convinced her to set fireworks off from a waterfrontbalcony, and made her believe she started a huge fire on a nearby boat – all of which was a prankfor an episode of MTV’s “Punk’d”。


  “You know I had serious nightmares where I’d wake up in the middle of the night for, like, three weeks after that? I really thought that was it for me. I was thinking, ’Justin is 17, so he’s going to juvie, but I’m going to big-girl prison,’”Swift told Rolling Stone magazine in October 2012.


  She’s also spoken at length about her fear of Googling herself。


  “I don’t have thick skin. If somebody says something mean, it will hurt my feelings. Anything bad that I read about myself, I’m just like …[fakes sobbing],” she told CMT in September 2011. “No, you can’t Google yourself or your self esteem will just go like that,” she said, making a motion with her hand downward。



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