18岁少女Xenna Kristian惨遭毒打,只因为她长得太像Taylor Swift。当大家都开始议论她长得像Taylor Swift后,她开始打扮得越来越像Taylor,并进行一些模仿表演。不料一些女生却因此暴打了她一顿,她说这是赤裸裸的嫉妒。
'They're jealous of my looks': Taylor Swift lookalike claims she has been beaten by bullies who envy her resemblance to star singer
A Taylor Swift lookalike claims she has been kicked in the face because people were 'jealous' of her star looks。
Convincing lookalike Xenna Kristian, 18, suffered bruising after allegedly being pulled from her chair and repeatedly kicked while studying at college on Tuesday。
Xenna, from Shropshire, said: 'Some girls at college had started making nasty comments, but it escalated really quickly。
'The girl came up behind me and dragged me off my chair by my pony tail, then started kicking me in the face。
'It just came as a complete shock.'
The attacker allegedly continued the attack until Xenna's friends were forced to intervene and pull the pair apart。
The incident has now been reported to the police。
Xenna said: 'I tried to get her off me but my friends had to help. The teachers didn't do anything。
'I never expected anything like this to happen. It's not nice to see people being nasty about you。
'Since I started being a lookalike people have been saying stuff. They must be jealous that I'm going off to do something with my life。
'Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I still feel shaken up.'
Xenna started performing as a Taylor Swift lookalike earlier this year, after people started commenting on how much she looked like her。
She has done several charity performances and private parties。
But now Xenna will have to take time off until the bruising goes down and her jaw recovers。
She said: 'I've had to cancel three appearances just from this week, and I won't be able to do any more until the bruising goes.'
Xenna's mother, bed and breakfast owner Pauline, 56, said: 'The college called me and told me she'd got head injuries and had maybe broken her jaw。
'My legs were like jelly. I just had to get there as soon as I could。
'Xenna has never got into a fight or even a scrape before, but she's been getting some remarks since she started the Taylor Swift lookalike thing.'
A spokesman for West Mercia police said: 'We have received a report that a teenage girl was assaulted on King Street, however we cannot comment further at this time.'