
2013年08月22日10:58  沪江英语 微博   

  Judd Nelson has just been cast in a major role for "Nikita's" final season, TVLine reports. TVline网站报道,Judd Nelson将会在《尼基塔》最后一季中扮演一个主要角色。

  Nelson is joining The CW's spy drama for the upcoming Season 4 as a deep-cover operative working for the bad guys -- a.k.a. Amanda (Melinda Clarke) and The Shop's Mr. Jones.Nelson将会在CW间谍剧《尼基塔》第四季中扮演真正的幕后黑手——也就是Amanda和Mr.Jones后面的那个人。

  Nelson's character is embroiled in a devious worldwide plot, and the only ones who can stop it from coming to fruition are the Division. Of course, that's not the best news since they are currently searching for their runaway leader, Nikita (Maggie Q). Nelson扮演的角色将会在发生在全球各地的多个故事线中出现,而唯一能阻止他最终目的达成的就只有现在的组织了。当然这对于组织正在找的逃跑的领导Nikita来说并不是好消息。

  The final six-episode season of "Nikita" has yet to get a premiere date, but is expected to air sometime in mid-November。《尼基塔》只有6集的第四季目前还没有确定播出时间,不过外次预计本季首播时间将会在11月中旬

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