
2013年07月16日15:09  沪江英语 微博   

  HBO has renewed the vampire drama for a seventh season, to launch in Summer 2014.HBO电视台续订了该台将会在2014年夏季播出的吸血鬼美剧《真爱如血》第七季。

  True Blood, which is midway through its sixth season, “remains a signature show for HBO, and a true phenomenon with our viewers,” said HBO programming prez Michael Lombardo in a statement. “Thanks to Brian and his talented team, the show continues to be a thrill ride like nothing else on TV。”《真爱如血》第六季正在播出,“该剧仍然是HBO的热门剧,并且极受观众欢迎,”HBO在一份官方声明中如是说。“感谢布莱恩和他出色的团队,《真爱如血》将源源不断地给观众带来其他剧集所没有的精彩与刺激。”

  HBO declined to say how many episodes Season 7 will consist of, but sources put the number once again at 10.HBO没有透露《真爱如血》第七季的具体集数,不过知情人士可能仍然是10集。

  The show’s Season 6 premiere last month drew 4.5 million viewers, off 14 percent from Season 5′s opener。《真爱如血》第六季已于上月首播,吸引了450万观众,比第五季同期收视下滑14%。但本周收视成功创下当季新高。


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