
2013年09月23日16:40  沪江英语 微博   
盘点全球十大奇葩工作 盘点全球十大奇葩工作
10. Golf Ball Diver 10. 高尔夫球潜水员 Golf ball divers have to search for the lost golf balls in the waters of golf courses. Around 2,000-5,000 balls can be collected by a golf ball diver every day. 高尔夫球潜水员需要在高尔夫球场中潜入水里去寻找那些打丢的球。他们一天中可以找到2000-5000个球。 10. Golf Ball Diver 10. 高尔夫球潜水员 Golf ball divers have to search for the lost golf balls in the waters of golf courses. Around 2,000-5,000 balls can be collected by a golf ball diver every day. 高尔夫球潜水员需要在高尔夫球场中潜入水里去寻找那些打丢的球。他们一天中可以找到2000-5000个球。
9. Dice Quality Inspector 9. 骰子质检员 A dice with a tiny imbalance of centre can affect the outcome of any dice-involved games. Therefore, every dice has to go through a series of quality control tests conducted by a professional tester. Don’t underestimate this inspector! 一个骰子要是有一点中心偏移,就会影响许多跟它相关的活动的结果。因此,每个骰子都要由专门的质检员进行一系列质量检查。不要小瞧这些质检员哦! 9. Dice Quality Inspector 9. 骰子质检员 A dice with a tiny imbalance of centre can affect the outcome of any dice-involved games. Therefore, every dice has to go through a series of quality control tests conducted by a professional tester. Don’t underestimate this inspector! 一个骰子要是有一点中心偏移,就会影响许多跟它相关的活动的结果。因此,每个骰子都要由专门的质检员进行一系列质量检查。不要小瞧这些质检员哦!
8. Pet Food Tester 8.宠物食品测试员 Pet food testers ensure the smell and taste of the pet food. Think about them next time when you’re feeding your pets. 宠物食品测试员的职责是保证宠物食品的香味和口味。在下次喂你的宠物时,不要忘了这些测试员。 8. Pet Food Tester 8.宠物食品测试员 Pet food testers ensure the smell and taste of the pet food. Think about them next time when you’re feeding your pets. 宠物食品测试员的职责是保证宠物食品的香味和口味。在下次喂你的宠物时,不要忘了这些测试员。
7. Worm Picker 7.鱼饵采集者 Ever thought about where do the worms that fishermen use come from? Worm pickers work at night and in rainy days to look for worms and sell them to fishermen in markets worldwide. 想想垂钓者的鱼饵是从哪儿来的?鱼饵采集者通常在晚上和雨天寻找蠕虫,并且把它们出售给全球的垂钓者。 7. Worm Picker 7.鱼饵采集者 Ever thought about where do the worms that fishermen use come from? Worm pickers work at night and in rainy days to look for worms and sell them to fishermen in markets worldwide. 想想垂钓者的鱼饵是从哪儿来的?鱼饵采集者通常在晚上和雨天寻找蠕虫,并且把它们出售给全球的垂钓者。
6. Chicken Sexer 6. 雏鸡性别鉴定员 Chicken sexers distinguish the sex of chicken and other hatchlings. This is for easier division of the farming produce such as eggs and chicken meat. 雏鸡性别鉴定员的主要职责是区分小鸡和其它人工孵化的鱼苗或小鸟的性别。这是为了更好地将它们划分到不同的农业生产中去,比如是主要下蛋,还是做肉鸡。 6. Chicken Sexer 6. 雏鸡性别鉴定员 Chicken sexers distinguish the sex of chicken and other hatchlings. This is for easier division of the farming produce such as eggs and chicken meat. 雏鸡性别鉴定员的主要职责是区分小鸡和其它人工孵化的鱼苗或小鸟的性别。这是为了更好地将它们划分到不同的农业生产中去,比如是主要下蛋,还是做肉鸡。
5. Snake Milker 5. 采蛇毒者 This is a risky job because it requires sucking out the venom from live snakes. Snake venom nowadays is used in medical and scientific research to develop medication and vaccines. 这是一项危险的工作,因为从业者需要从活的蛇身上挤出毒液。蛇毒如今被广泛地运用于医学和科学研究中,以制造药物和疫苗。 5. Snake Milker 5. 采蛇毒者 This is a risky job because it requires sucking out the venom from live snakes. Snake venom nowadays is used in medical and scientific research to develop medication and vaccines. 这是一项危险的工作,因为从业者需要从活的蛇身上挤出毒液。蛇毒如今被广泛地运用于医学和科学研究中,以制造药物和疫苗。
4. Train Stuffers 4. 地铁推助员 The Japanese government employs staff to push and stuff passengers into the subway to make sure that the space inside the train is fully utilised. 日本政府雇佣专业的人员助推乘客填满地铁,以保证地铁的空间被充分利用。 4. Train Stuffers 4. 地铁推助员 The Japanese government employs staff to push and stuff passengers into the subway to make sure that the space inside the train is fully utilised. 日本政府雇佣专业的人员助推乘客填满地铁,以保证地铁的空间被充分利用。
3. Horrible Stunt Tester 3. 恐怖的特技检验员 These stunt testers have to make sure all those TV shows’ horrible tasks such as swimming with snakes and eating a cockroach are safe before any guests or celebrities do that. 这些特技检验员需要保证所有电视节目中的恐怖项目是安全的。他们必须在任何嘉宾和名人做活动之前,保证活动是安全的。比如,和蛇游泳或者是吃蟑螂。 3. Horrible Stunt Tester 3. 恐怖的特技检验员 These stunt testers have to make sure all those TV shows’ horrible tasks such as swimming with snakes and eating a cockroach are safe before any guests or celebrities do that. 这些特技检验员需要保证所有电视节目中的恐怖项目是安全的。他们必须在任何嘉宾和名人做活动之前,保证活动是安全的。比如,和蛇游泳或者是吃蟑螂。
2. Cow Fart Smeller 2. 奶牛屁检测员 There’s a practical reason why the cow fart needs to be smelled. It’s to find out whether the cows are eating the good food and being healthy. 闻牛屁是存在实际理由的。这可以帮助我们发现奶牛的饮食是否均衡,以及它们的身体是否健康。 2. Cow Fart Smeller 2. 奶牛屁检测员 There’s a practical reason why the cow fart needs to be smelled. It’s to find out whether the cows are eating the good food and being healthy. 闻牛屁是存在实际理由的。这可以帮助我们发现奶牛的饮食是否均衡,以及它们的身体是否健康。
1. Odour Judge 1. 闻臭员 This job requires the staff to sniff people’s armpits! Yes, this is just to make sure the deodorant will work when it hits the market. 这份工作要求从业者闻其他人的腋窝!是的,这样做仅仅是为了确保投入市场的除臭剂是有效的。 1. Odour Judge 1. 闻臭员 This job requires the staff to sniff people’s armpits! Yes, this is just to make sure the deodorant will work when it hits the market. 这份工作要求从业者闻其他人的腋窝!是的,这样做仅仅是为了确保投入市场的除臭剂是有效的。

  Think that your job’s weird enough? Maybe you’ll find how absolutely normal the job you’re having after knowing the 10 weirdest job in the world。


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