1. They mate for life: Puffins have lifespans averaging 20 years, and unless a partner should die, they return to the same mate year after year. 它们是一生的伴侣:善知鸟能或20年左右,它们每年只和固定的伴侣交配,年复一年,为另一半守身如玉,除非另一半去世。
2. They tag-team raising their baby: Both parents incubate the single egg laid each year and take turns fishing to feed their baby. 它们共同抚养后代:每年,善知鸟只产一个蛋,夫妻轮流孵蛋,孵化以后,轮流捕鱼喂自己的后代。
3. They can find their mate after months apart at sea: Puffins spend late August to early spring out at sea, but return to the same breeding grounds, and the same mate, every year. 它们在分离几个月后回到彼此身边,共筑爱巢:善知鸟从八月底到次年春天会出海捕鱼,然后回到它们的聚居地寻找自己先前的爱人,这样的行为分年发生。
4. They have what is possibly the most adorable mating display among birds: they "kiss" upon finding each other again 它们的亲密行为可能是鸟类中最可爱的:它们在茫茫鸟海中新能找到彼此以后“亲吻”对方。
5. They are noted for their tenderness and devotion to their mate: Wildlife photographer Craig Jones has spent years photographing the playful birds, and says their warmth and dedication is remarkable. 它们温柔地,倾其所有的爱对方:野生动物摄影师Craig Jones常年拍摄善知鸟的活动,他认为善知鸟对爱人的热情和奉献精神是那么与众不同。