14只大熊猫宝宝亮相 大小体重差四倍(双语)

2013年09月25日18:48  沪江英语 微博   
萌物瞬间:14只大熊猫宝宝初亮相 萌物瞬间:14只大熊猫宝宝初亮相
Twenty baby pandas, of which 17 survived, have joined the 128-giant-panda-family at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. 成都大熊猫繁育研究基地里的二十只熊猫宝贝中有17只成活,加入了这个由128只大熊猫组成的家庭。 Twenty baby pandas, of which 17 survived, have joined the 128-giant-panda-family at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. 成都大熊猫繁育研究基地里的二十只熊猫宝贝中有17只成活,加入了这个由128只大熊猫组成的家庭。
Fourteen of the tiny animals were shown to the public today at the base, with researchers gently holding the clumsy cubs. 今天,基地的14只大熊猫幼崽在饲养员的温柔怀抱中和公众见面。 Fourteen of the tiny animals were shown to the public today at the base, with researchers gently holding the clumsy cubs. 今天,基地的14只大熊猫幼崽在饲养员的温柔怀抱中和公众见面。
Because pandas are so tiny at birth — weighing around 3oz — and have notoriously poor eyesight, they find it difficult to survive both in captivity and in the wild. 大熊猫刚刚出生时非常小,只有3盎司左右,而且视力也差得出名,因此无论是在基地还是在野外,新生熊猫都很难成活。 Because pandas are so tiny at birth — weighing around 3oz — and have notoriously poor eyesight, they find it difficult to survive both in captivity and in the wild. 大熊猫刚刚出生时非常小,只有3盎司左右,而且视力也差得出名,因此无论是在基地还是在野外,新生熊猫都很难成活。
On a number of occasions, newborns have been killed because their mothers accidentally rolled on them and crushed them. There have been a variety of unusual methods used to try and encourage copulation. 在许多情况下,新生幼崽很容易被熊猫妈妈翻身时意外压住,造成死亡。为了增加熊猫数量,研究人员还用了许多不常见的方法鼓励它们繁衍后代。 On a number of occasions, newborns have been killed because their mothers accidentally rolled on them and crushed them. There have been a variety of unusual methods used to try and encourage copulation. 在许多情况下,新生幼崽很容易被熊猫妈妈翻身时意外压住,造成死亡。为了增加熊猫数量,研究人员还用了许多不常见的方法鼓励它们繁衍后代。
With an estimated 1,800 giant pandas still in their natural habitat — the bamboo-covered mountains of Western China — and fewer than 300 in zoos and preserves, they remain on the critically-endangered list. 据估计,在中国西部竹林覆盖的山丛中大约有1800只野生大熊猫,另有不到300只生活在动物园和动物保护基地,它们仍然是濒危灭亡的物种之一。 With an estimated 1,800 giant pandas still in their natural habitat — the bamboo-covered mountains of Western China — and fewer than 300 in zoos and preserves, they remain on the critically-endangered list. 据估计,在中国西部竹林覆盖的山丛中大约有1800只野生大熊猫,另有不到300只生活在动物园和动物保护基地,它们仍然是濒危灭亡的物种之一。
The Chinese government has now set up 50 giant panda research centres. With more than 100 resident pandas, the one at Chengdu — the so- called ‘panda capital of the world’ — is among the most important. 目前中国政府已建立50所大熊猫研究中心。其中最重要的一所位于成都,育有100只大熊猫。而成都也被成为“熊猫世界的大首都”。 Also known as the Chengdu Panda Base, the facility in Sichuan has been breeding and researching the huge black and white creatures since 1987. The not-for-profit research and breeding compound started with 6 giant pandas that were rescued from the wild. 这所研究中心也被成为成都大熊猫基地,自1987年起,这一位于四川成都的动物机构就致力于大熊猫的繁育研究,那时这个非盈利的繁育研究复合基地仅有6只从野外救回来的大熊猫。 The Chinese government has now set up 50 giant panda research centres. With more than 100 resident pandas, the one at Chengdu — the so- called ‘panda capital of the world’ — is among the most important. 目前中国政府已建立50所大熊猫研究中心。其中最重要的一所位于成都,育有100只大熊猫。而成都也被成为“熊猫世界的大首都”。 Also known as the Chengdu Panda Base, the facility in Sichuan has been breeding and researching the huge black and white creatures since 1987. The not-for-profit research and breeding compound started with 6 giant pandas that were rescued from the wild. 这所研究中心也被成为成都大熊猫基地,自1987年起,这一位于四川成都的动物机构就致力于大熊猫的繁育研究,那时这个非盈利的繁育研究复合基地仅有6只从野外救回来的大熊猫。

They are an endangered species and hard to breed. So the sight of these 14 baby pandas in China will make many an animal lover very happy.


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