
2013年11月29日17:38  沪江英语 微博   
Be loyal to your boss 忠于你的老板 Be loyal to your boss 忠于你的老板
Demonstrate a long-term interest in your organization 展示自己能够为公司长远利益着想 Demonstrate a long-term interest in your organization 展示自己能够为公司长远利益着想
Do your job, and do it well 做你的本职工作,并把它做好 Do your job, and do it well 做你的本职工作,并把它做好
Really get to know your boss 真正了解你的老板 Really get to know your boss 真正了解你的老板
Seek solutions to problems 寻求解决问题的办法 Seek solutions to problems 寻求解决问题的办法
Show an interest in an activity your boss is passionate about 对老板热衷的事情表现出兴趣 Show an interest in an activity your boss is passionate about 对老板热衷的事情表现出兴趣

  It may seem obvious, but plenty of employees fail to accomplish the basic tasks that are required of them. If you make a diligent effort and do a good job, your boss will be impressed. “It all starts here,” Coleman says. “If you don’t do great work it’ll be difficult, if not impossible, to win over your boss, even if you follow all of the remaining suggestions well. Employees who do good work, consistently, efficiently, and professionally, are a joy to manage and ultimately allow their manager to focus on critical issues within the organization. The less your boss has to focus on your accomplishing your daily tasks, the more he or she can focus on accomplishing his or hers.”


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