
2013年12月23日12:03  沪江英语 微博   


  1. Hang in there!  坚持住!

  2. It's all in a day's work. 是很平常的事。

  3. No way in hell. 绝对不行。

  4. He was lost in thoughts。他陷入沉思。

  5. We need to dig in our heels.  我们得坚定立场。

  6. I'll just stay in. 我不出去了。

  7. You are in for a surprise. 有惊喜在等着你。


  1. I'm so pissed off. 我太生气了!

  2. He'll talk your ears off。他会唠叨没完。

  3. I'll let you off the hook.  这次先放过你。

  4. She caught me off my guard. 她让我措手不及。

  5. I need some time off. 我得休息几天。

  6. Knock it off。别说了。

  7. I'm gonna take off。我要走了。


  1. You asked for it。你自找的!

  2. It's for your own good. 这是为你好。

  3. You're too good for me. 我配不上你。

  4. Sorry I took you for someone else。我认错人了。

  5. You are in for a treat. 你肯定会满意的。

  6. That goes for you too.  彼此彼此。

  7. For real? 真的吗?


  1. Stop beating around the bush.  别拐弯抹角了。

  2. We're just messing around. 我们只是闹着玩。

  3. I slept around the clock.  我睡了一整天。

  4. I'll ask around/about it. 我会四处打听下。

  5. Don't boss me around. 别对我指手画脚的。

  6. I'll see you around. 再见啦。


  1. Snap out of it. 快别这样了。

  2. He finally came out of the closet.  他终于出柜了。

  3. I'm totally worn out。我真累坏了。

  4. It just didn't work out between us. 我们就是不合适。

  5. I've got it all planned out。我都计划好了。

  6. Knock yourself out. 请随意别客气。


  1. Hang on just a second. 稍等一下。

  2. I'm on my way out. 我正要出去。

  3. The dinner is on me. 晚饭我请客吧。

  4. I've got enough on my plate. 我要处理的事够多了。

  5. Don't take it out on me. 别把气撒在我身上。

  6. You're on your own. 你只能靠自己了。

  7. Dead on. 说得对。


  1. We're through. 我们之间结束了。

  2. I'll put you through. 我帮你转接电话。

  3. He's been through a lot. 他经历了很多。

  4. Walk me through it.  你详细解释一遍。

  5. I can see through your tricks。我看透了你的把戏。

  6. Let's talk this through。我们好好谈谈。


  1. Whose turn is it? 到谁了?

  2. Please don't turn me down. 不要拒绝我。

  3. She turns heads wherever she goes. 她不管到哪都很受关注。

  4. How did things turn out? 结果怎么样?

  5. That story turns my stomach. 那个故事让我倒胃口。

  6. I'm gonna turn in. 我准备睡觉了。


  1. What are you up to this weekend?周末准备干嘛?

  2. Don't mess it up! 别搞砸了。

  3. He's sucking up to his boss. 他在巴结他老板。

  4. You must man up. 拿出点男人的样子!

  5. I don't want to put up with your crap。不想听你一堆废话。

  6. I got tied up. 我有事脱不开身。

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