
2014年04月30日12:00  沪江英语 微博    收藏本文     

  1. So, You Graduated College

  1. 从大学毕业

  This is definitely a milestone for your 20s. Throw your hat in the air!


You Start Eyeing a CareerYou Start Eyeing a Career

  2. You Start Eyeing a Career


  It's time to trade in part-time wages for benefits and a salary。


You Take Rejection With GraceYou Take Rejection With Grace

  3. You Take Rejection With Grace

  3. 优雅的接受拒绝

  Not every company will hire you, and that's OK. One door closing just leads to another opening。


401(k) Becomes More Important Than Designer Items401(k) Becomes More Important Than Designer Items

  4. 401(k) Becomes More Important Than Designer Items

  4. 社保比名牌更重要

  At this moment, you realize retirement has of higher importance than a pair of Louboutins or aLouis Vuitton bag。


ou Realize Everything Your Parents Have Done For Youou Realize Everything Your Parents Have Done For You

  5. You Realize Everything Your Parents Have Done For You

  5. 你会明白父母为你所做的一切

  Call your mom and dad back — they'll appreciate hearing your voice. After all, no one has a bigger fan than their parents, and they deserve some thanks for putting up with you all these years。


Mastering Time Management Is a MustMastering Time Management Is a Must

  6. Mastering Time Management Is a Must

  6. 必须合理安排时间

  Eating breakfast and checking your email at the same time? No problem。


You Haven't Given Up on Your DreamsYou Haven't Given Up on Your Dreams

  7. You Haven't Given Up on Your Dreams

  7. 永不放弃梦想

  No matter how big or small。


 People Think You're Old, Because You Go to Bed Early People Think You're Old, Because You Go to Bed Early

  8. People Think You're Old, Because You Go to Bed Early

  8. 别人认为你老了,因为你睡得早了

  Instead of hitting the town for a crazy night, you opt out for a full night's rest. Early bird gets the worm!


You're Doing What You LoveYou're Doing What You Love

  9. You're Doing What You Love

  9. 你正在做的,就是自己热爱的

  Whether you've landed your dream job or are doing a hobby on the side, being able to do what you love is an achievement in itself。


You Finally Know What Work-Life Balance MeansYou Finally Know What Work-Life Balance Means

  10. You Finally Know What Work-Life Balance Means

  10. 你最终明白了如何平衡工作与生活

  Just because you're working doesn't mean you don't have a life outside the office。


You Pay Yourself FirstYou Pay Yourself First

  11.You Pay Yourself First

  11. 自力更生

  Rather than splurging at the local mall, your rent, electricity bills, and student loans are a few of the things you want to prioritize. Leftover money can be thrown into a savings account, because there's nothing like some interest to get extra cash in your pocket!


Happy Hour Becomes an Important EventHappy Hour Becomes an Important Event

  12. Happy Hour Becomes an Important Event


  Whether for networking or de-stressing, it's always 5 o'clock somewhere。


Vacation Funds Become KeyVacation Funds Become Key

  13. Vacation Funds Become Key

  13. 度假基金很重要

  You know that trip you always wanted to take? Now there's room in your budget for it (if you've planned ahead, of course)。


There's No Question Who Your True Friends AreThere's No Question Who Your True Friends Are

  14. There's No Question Who Your True Friends Are

  14. 十分确定谁才是自己真正的朋友

  It might be time to sort out who's really there for you and who's not。


People Come to You For AdvicePeople Come to You For Advice

  15. People Come to You For Advice


  Why yes, you do have some words of wisdom。


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