With its manicured lawns, wide open roads and spacious homes, this village looks like any other typical American suburb... except with one major difference。
Rather than cars occupying spaces on the large driveways outside many of the properties, planes appear to be the first choice of vehicle among residents at Spruce Creek, in Florida。
佛罗里达州的Spruce Creek小镇上,屋子外宽阔的马路上停着的不是车,而是飞机。这里的居民把飞机当成他们的首选交通工具。
The former U.S. Air Force base is home to about 5,000 people, and planes are such a popular mode of transport, paved taxiways from Spruce Creek Fly-in airpark guide pilots to each of the 1,500 homes and 700 hangars dotted around the area。
Signs warning of low-flying planes are dotted around the streets of the village, which was used as a military base during World War II, particularly near the 18 hole golf course。
小镇的街道上,到处都是注意飞机低空飞行的警示标志, 18兜的高尔夫球场周围尤其多,这些标识在二战时就已经开始使用了。
Prices for properties in the fly-in community, which boasts its own 4,000ft runway, range from $169,000 for a small condo to millions of dollars for a hangar mansion。
A spokesperson for Karlhaus Realty said: 'The sign that reads, "Caution, Children and Adults at Play" is the first thing a visitor sees after driving through the security gates。
'It really illustrates the spirit and vitality of this special community。
Hollywood A-list actor and star of the 80s action film Top Gun Tom Cruise and his ex-wife girlfriend Nicole Kidman stayed at Spruce Creek when filming Days of Thunder in 1990.
好莱坞著名影星,80年代动作电影《壮志凌云》的主演汤姆·克鲁斯和他的前女友妮可·基德曼曾在1990年拍摄《雷霆壮志》期间住在Spruce Creek小镇。