
2014年05月14日11:34  沪江英语 微博    收藏本文     
帕尔默·勒奇 帕尔默·勒奇
简·库姆 简·库姆
爱德华多·维瓦斯 爱德华多·维瓦斯
马特·穆伦维格 马特·穆伦维格
阿莱希·菲尔多西 阿莱希·菲尔多西
阿隆·列维 阿隆·列维
马克·扎克伯格 马克·扎克伯格
达斯汀·莫斯科维茨 达斯汀·莫斯科维茨
皮特·凯什摩尔 皮特·凯什摩尔
丹尼尔·埃克 丹尼尔·埃克
扎克·希姆斯 扎克·希姆斯
本·米尔恩 本·米尔恩
杰弗里·卡尔米科夫 杰弗里·卡尔米科夫

  Palmer Luckey is the latest college dropout to strike it rich.Luckey was a self described "electronics enthusiast and maker" since high school, but he never formally studied tech。


  Jan Koum is a true rags to riches story. Days before his 38th birthday he sold his company, WhatsApp, to Facebook for $19 billion in cash and stock. He became a billionaire. Koum dropped out of San Jose State University after landing a job at Yahoo。


  Eduardo Vivas sold two startups for $190 million by the time he turned 28 and he never finished high school。


  Matt Mullenweg started WordPress, which now powers 16 percent of the Web.Mullenweg dropped out of the University of Houston in 2004.


  Arash Ferdowsi is a co-founder of Dropbox, which is now worth an estimated $10 billion.Ferdowski dropped out of MIT in 2007 and became a multimillionaire at the age of 27.


  Aaron Levie started enterprise software company Box, about to launch a $250 million IPO. the big hit happened when Levie was a sophomore at USC, Levie hasn't looked back since。


  Zuckerberg famously launched Facebook from his Harvard dorm room and dropped out in 2004 during his sophomore year to move to Silicon Valley and work on Facebook full time。


  Moskovitz was an economics major at Harvard, but dropped out in 2004 to follow Mark Zuckerberg out to Silicon Valley to help build Facebook into the global giant it is today. The company turned him into a billionaire。


  In 2012, Pete Cashmore made Time magazine's list of the 100 most influential people, and his blog site Mashable now attracts more than 20 million unique users monthly.Cashmore never attended college, but launched Mashable at the age of 19.

  2012年,皮特-凯什摩尔登上福布斯最具影响力100人榜单,他创建的博客网站 Mashable每月吸引约两千万的用户。凯什摩尔从未上过大学,但在19岁时就创立了Mashable。

  Ek left his studies in engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden after eight weeks in 2005, but became a millionaire just a few years later。


  Sims dropped out of Columbia in 2011 to build Codecademy. Within just a few years it's being used in some 200 countries。


  A decade ago, 29-year-old Ben Milne dropped out of the University of Northern Iowa to start his first company, Elemental Designs. In 2008, he moved on to Dwolla, an online payment system。

  10年前,29岁的本-米尔恩从北爱荷华大学辍学,创立了他的第一家公司Elemental Designs。2008年,他跳槽到在线支付网站Dwolla。

  Kalmikoff dropped out of graphic design school in Chicago in the late '90s. He helped build T-shirt company Threadless from a side project into a million-dollar company as a co-founder and chief creative officer。

  杰弗里-卡尔米科夫90年代末从芝加哥一所平面设计学校辍学。之后,他创立了t恤公司Threadless ,担任创意总监一职,帮助公司发展壮大。

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