乌龟排队过独木桥 一龟刹车多龟追尾(双语)

2014年05月26日12:03  沪江英语 微博    收藏本文     
乌龟排队过独木桥 一龟刹车多龟追尾乌龟排队过独木桥 一龟刹车多龟追尾

  This is the hilarious moment three snapping turtles got stuck on top of each other when one of them stopped abruptlyand the two behind failed to notice.The photographs of the reptilian pile-up were taken at Haus des Meeres Aqua Terra Zoo in Vienna, Austria by 45-year-old Hans Jorg Leth。

  三只乌龟排队过独木桥,领头的乌龟突然来了一个急刹车,后面的两只乌龟没反应过来,继续往前走,最后纷纷“卡”在前面乌龟的后背上。这“过桥堵车”的有趣一幕发生在奥地利维也纳的Haus des Meeres - Aqua Terra动物园。

  The retail manager, who lives in the city of Graz, said he took the comical photograph after spending an afternoon at the zoo earlier this month。


  After the initial three-turtle pile up, several more lined up behind. Within just a few minutes seven turtles were left waiting patiently in line for the first turtle to get himself moving again。


  'There were a lot of visitors at the zoo on the day I took that picture,' Mr Leth said.'It seems that the first snapping turtle stopped to have a view of the crazy looking visitors who were staring at him... There were two other turtles walking behind him and were going too fast to stop in time,' he added. “The three turtles all landed on top of each other - it was very funny,' he went on to say。我拍照的那天动物园有很多游客,”


乌龟排队过独木桥 一龟刹车多龟追尾乌龟排队过独木桥 一龟刹车多龟追尾

  Common snapping turtles, with their powerful beak-like jaws and highly mobile head and neck, are known for their aggressive personality when out of the water。


  Their natural habitat extends from southeastern Canada to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, and as far east as Nova Scotia and Florida。


  In some areas they are hunted very heavily for their meat, as they are a popular ingredient in turtle soup。


  Some common snapping turtles have lived for up to 47 years in captivity, but the lifespan of those in the wild isestimated to be around 30 years。


  Haus des Meeres Aqua Terra Zoo opened in 1957 and is one of Austria's best known aquariums - housing over 10,000 aquatic beings in an area of around 43,000 square feet. It is run for no profit by the privately owned Aqua Terra Zoo organisation, and attracts an estimated 430,000 visitors every year。

  Haus des Meeres Aqua Terra动物园于1957年开业,是奥地利最著名的水族馆之一 -占地面积约43000平方英尺,有超过10,000水生生物。它属于Aqua Terra动物园组织,是非盈利的,每年吸引约43万游客。

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