
2015年03月20日14:02  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
别人家的爱疯:手机拍照跻身世界摄影大赛 别人家的爱疯:手机拍照跻身世界摄影大赛
别人家的爱疯:手机拍照跻身世界摄影大赛 别人家的爱疯:手机拍照跻身世界摄影大赛
别人家的爱疯:手机拍照跻身世界摄影大赛 别人家的爱疯:手机拍照跻身世界摄影大赛
别人家的爱疯:手机拍照跻身世界摄影大赛 别人家的爱疯:手机拍照跻身世界摄影大赛

Some professional photographers may turn their noses up at pictures taken with smartphones。一些专业的摄影师可能会对用智能手机拍出的照片不屑一顾。

  But photos taken on the humble mobile that have been shortlisted for a new category in the world's largest photography competition may change their minds。但是最近世界最大的摄影比赛上为用手机拍出的照片专门设立了组别,而其中的候选手机照片可能会改变专业摄影师的一些偏见。

  The World Photo Organisation (WPO) launched its new award to recognise excellent photographs taken on smartphones in January and has now shortlisted 20 entries。今年一月份世界摄影组织为一些优秀的手机摄影照片设置了一个新的奖项,目前为止候选照片有20张。

  The images were chosen by a panel of judges from over 10,000 photographs in just four weeks。这20张照片是在四周时间里从1万多张手机照片中选出来的。

  Members of the public can vote their favourite in the next week by visiting the WPO’s website before March 17, when voting closes. 下周开始到3月17日公众可以登陆网站选择他们最喜欢的照片。

  The image with the most ‘thumbs up’ will win a trip to London to attend the Sony World Photography Awards gala ceremony on 23 April and the photographer will have their photo shown at an exhibition at Somerset House, as well as winning Sony goodies。其中最优秀的照片摄影者可以免费参加4月23日在英国伦敦举行的索尼世界摄影大赛盛典,同时获奖人还有机会将他们的照片在萨默塞特宫展出,并获得索尼新款数码设备。

  Some photographs, such as an image of a swimming pool with a man standing inside it, use apps and visual trickery to superimpose shots over each other, while others show more ‘simple' scenes such as a girl on a swing, or men praying。在这些候选照片中,有些是摄影师使用了摄影应用以及视觉上的小花招将照片叠加在了一起,比如那张一个人站在游泳池里的照片,还有一些则反应了很简单的日常生活情景,比如秋千上的女孩、正在祈祷的人们等。

  The 20 shortlisted images were chosen by a panel of judges, including experts from the Wall Street Journal and National Geographic Traveller. 20张候选照片由评委选出,评委中中包括来自《华尔街日报》及《国家地理旅游者》的专家。

  The London-based photographic authority launched the award to celebrate the breadth and reach of images taken on phones, which can now take incredibly hi-resolution images。总部在伦敦世界摄影组织是为了庆祝像素越来越高的手机成为常用的摄影工具而专门给手机摄影照片设置了奖项。

  ‘Photography now exists in our pockets, and we want to celebrate this,’ it says. “摄影的设备现在就装在我们的口袋里,所以我们想庆祝这种改变。”

  There are more mobile phones on Earth than human beings and the number of devices is growing five times as fast as the population。目前世界上的手机数量超过了人口总数,而且还在以5倍于人口增长的速度在增长。

  Smartphone cameras are increasingly being accepted as legitimate

  tools with which to take photos and now the WPO has confirmed this by adding an extra category to its 2015 Sony World Photography Awards。手机自带的摄像机越来越被承认是正规的专业摄影工具,现在世界摄影组织通过在2015年度的索尼世界摄影大赛上为这个种类单独设立了奖项对此表示了认可。

  It says that the new category ‘allows us to look a little closer at those otherwise ordinary moments and to enjoy the creative freedom that mobile phone photography allows.’这个新种类“能使我们能更加接近日常的普通瞬间,充分享受自由创作的乐趣”。

  The WPO says that mobile entries to the awards have ‘increased steadily year on year。世界摄影组织表示手机摄影的照片一年比一年多。

  ‘It was time for mobile phone photography to have its own dedicated

  platform, instead of taking the risk of losing some wonderful photos within the hundreds of thousands of entries we receive to the main awards.’ “是时候为手机摄影照片设立专门的展示平台了,单独设立奖项可以避免我们错过那些很棒的手机照片。”


文章关键词: 双语摄影照片世界手机

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