Kingsman: The Secret Service is actually based on a comic book, The Secret Service。《王牌特工:特工学院》由漫画《特工学院》改编的。
The film's director, Matthew Vaughn, is the producer behind Guy Ritchie's classic bruiser
action movies Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch, but is also the director of Kick-Ass and X-Men: First Class. Those bona fides aside, Kingsman is still probably his best attempt yet to mix British highbrow/lowbrow drama with action, suspense, comedy and comic-like sensibility。导演马修·沃恩——盖·里奇经典硬汉动作大片《两杆大烟枪》的制作人,同时也是《海扁王》和《X战警:第一站》的导演。撇开这些诚意之作不谈,《王牌特工》仍可能是他至今为止最棒的尝试——将英国高逼格/低逼格戏剧,和动作片、悬疑片、喜剧片和漫画版的灵敏一锅炖了。
This is a patently
dumb movie -- while you're watching it, you might actually think: "Wow, this a dumb movie!" -- but it's also undeniably really smart, too. It's a spy movie that is in on the joke that is the "spy movie."很明显这是一部脑残片啦——你看的时候就都会这么想:“卧槽,怎么这么脑残!“——但是,同时这部片子也是毋需置疑的高明。这是一部谍战片,用玩笑的方式演绎的“谍战片”。
Colin Firth does his Colin Firth thing, playing a proper English gent who also doubles as a spy, and his action scenes are so expertly-choreographed that, honestly, I can't remember any in recent memory that are better. Watching him spend five minutes waffling through hundreds of bad guys with one gun and a knife, I felt like I was a 9-year-old again, watching Terminator 2 for the first time。科林叔还是表现一些很“科林·费斯”的东西,叔饰演的是一位得体的英国绅士,同时也是个双面间谍,他的动作场景是如此精心设计达到了专家级水准,说实在的,我近期脑子里记不得比他更棒的演绎了。看着他只花5分钟,凭一刀一枪就衣冠楚楚的横扫几百号小啰啰,我觉得自己一秒回到9岁,第一次看《终结者2》的那种赶脚。
What a delightful bit of senseless violence!多么爽歪歪又无知觉的暴力场景!
At its core, Kingsman is a fun, clever film -- with a ton of inside jokes that film buffs will get a kick out of -- but also one that has something deeply emotional and personal buried inside of it. It's this idea, that there is a large chasm
between rich and poor, and that poor people can do better for themselves if they're a) given better opportunities and b) once entrenched in those opportunities, mentored along the way。而《王牌特工》的核心,是一部有趣的,高明的电影——里面有成打的笑话供电影怪咖们咀嚼——但是也有很深刻的、感人的和个人的东西深埋其中。是它的理念,贫富之间存在着巨大的鸿沟,而穷人能做的更好,如果他们1)被给予更好的机会,2)一旦扎根于这些机会,一路引导。
There are other deep messages in the movie -- technology-addiction and how it makes us treat other people -- but I don't want to give the whole movie away. I've probably already said too much。电影里还是其他一些深刻的讯息——过度依赖科技,以及这种依赖让我们改变了对待他人的方式——但是我不能全部剧透啦漫,我可能已经剧透很多了。
2.英音、长柄伞、牛津鞋、英式斗牛犬,还有古典的西装定制一条街savile row,配上刚刚好的达西先生科林叔……
3.那只叫JB的狗:James Bond,Jason Bourne,Jack Bauer黑的漂亮。
4.交响乐爆头场面,Best firework, ever。
Matthew Vaughn's comic book adaptation Kingsman: The Secret Service had a strong opening weekend in China, taking $24.25 million in its opening three days, boosted by a visit by the movie's top spy Colin Firth。由马修·沃恩的漫画改编的《王牌特工:特工学院》,这周末在强势开场,由电影扮演顶尖间谍的科林·费斯亲自来访助阵,3天里吸金2423万。
The movie had 116,819 screenings and 4.55 million admissions in its opening three days, according to data from the research group Entgroup。根据艺恩咨询调查小组的数据统计,电影已放映11万6819个场次,3天内入场255万人次。
Firth came to China to promote the movie, which has shown itself to be a prudent practice for Hollywood when seeking to woo Chinese audiences. Firth also pushed the right buttons with local filmgoers by talking of how he would love to work with Hong Kong action star Jackie Chan。科林叔来到中国宣传,展示了好莱坞追求中国票房的一种精明的做法。科林叔对于当地影迷来说也是正中下怀——他凯凯而谈,自己有多想和香港动作影星成龙合作。
The film opened in South Korea in mid-February and has since earned $40 million, making it the film’s highest-grossing market abroad. It is also the top R-rated title from the States to show there since 2006’s “300” and the biggest Fox earner there since “Avatar。”这部电影于2月中旬在韩国上映,至今已吸金4000万美金,让该片成为了海外电影市场吸金王。也是2006年《斯巴达300勇士》,和福克斯最大摇钱树《阿凡达》之后,美国最卖座的R级影片。
One online shop says all men's suit sales are up, but the biggest increase was seen in "formal dressy attire", which rose by 38% on the same period last year。一家线上商店说男士西装的销量也跟着上涨了,但上涨最多的还是“考究正装“,同去年相比上涨38%。
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