
2015年04月03日10:23  爱语吧     收藏本文     

  Scientists say they have found a way to make rice less calorific - boil it with coconut oil and then refrigerate for half a day before eating。


  According to the Sri Lankan researchers, treating rice in this way reduces its calories by up to 60%. They told the American Chemical Society how the method made the starch in the rice less digestible so the body took on less fuel than it otherwise would。


  UK nutrition experts cautioned there was no quick fix to losing weight。


  Starchy foods such as rice, which are known as carbohydrates, are a good source of energy. When we eat them, our body breaks them down into simple sugars。


  Any that is leftover will be stored by the body and quickly converted to glucose as needed. But too much glucose circulating in the blood can ultimately end up being stored as fat。


  UK researchers have already shown that cooking and then cooling pasta will create a smaller glucose peak - even if you then reheat the cold pasta. And investigators from Sri Lanka say the same is true for rice。


  Reheating cooked rice can be risky because some food poisoning bugs can survive cooking. If cooked rice is left standing at room temperature, the bacteria can multiply, which is why rice should be served either hot or cooled and then stored in a fridge。


  British Dietetic Association spokesperson, Priya Tew, said: "This sounds like it has great potential, however there are no human studies on it yet. I would recommend people stick to cooking rice using their normal method until there is more information available. It is fantastic that research is being done into different cooking methods."


  Dr Denise Robertson, a nutrition expert at the University of Surrey, said: "Seeing the results of the volunteer tests on blood glucose that are currently underway will be vital in understanding the true potential of this research and whether this can be extrapolated to carbohydrates in the Western Diet."


文章关键词: 双语减肥吃饭米饭卡路里

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