
2015年05月06日09:38  中国新闻网 微博    收藏本文     

  A bodybuilder who wanted to look like the Incredible Hulk risked his life injecting oil into his arms。



  Romario Dos Santos Alves, 25, turned to a cocktail of oil, painkillers and alcohol to pump up his biceps - with astounding results.Now the former bodyguard terrifies children with his super-sized muscles and is facing a catalogue of serious health issues.The married dad-of-one says his experiences of using the synthetic filler synthol cost him his sanity and nearly his life and he was even scheduled to have one of his arms amputated。

  来自巴西的25岁Romario Dos Santos把几种油、止疼药和酒精的混合物注入手臂肌肉,获得了惊人的效果。现在,他的超大号手臂给他带来了一系列的健康问题。这位一个孩子的父亲表示,注射这种混合物差点让他丧命,他甚至已经打算要将一只手臂截肢。

  Romario said: "If you take it once there will definitely be a second time - it's addictive. "I remember the doctor told me that they would need to amputate both arms - they said everything in there, all my muscles, were rock. "I want other people to see the dangers, I could have died all because I wanted bigger muscles. It's just not worth it."


  Romario became obsessed with the drug after moving from his hometown of Caldas Novas to Goiania in Brazil three years ago.He said: "I saw some really big guys in the gym with huge arms and I started to make friends with them. "They introduced me to synthol and I got excited about the results - I lost control."


  Romario began to find ever more dangerous ways of injecting himself with the oil."My muscles started to solidify and I couldn't even inject my arms - they were full of rocks," he added."I decided the only thing I could do was buy specialist needles to inject. "The kind of needles used on bulls - there are no stronger needles around - I know it seems stupid but I had to get my synthol fix. Romario开始用更危险的方式来注射这种油,他说:“我的肌肉开始硬化,最后都打不进去了。然后我想到唯一的解决办法就是用特制针头来打,就是给牛用的针头。”

  He even tricked wife Marisangela Marinho, 22, into injecting him with the oil in places that he could not reach. Romario said: "I told her there was no problem with it - that it left the body after a short time."But after she learned the truth she made it clear that he had to choose between their relationship and the synthol. "She told me that if I start using synthol again or anything like it she will leave me because of what she went through," added Romario. "That was the hardest part of our life because I had depression and I was removed from my job because I tried to kill myself."


  他甚至骗22岁的妻子Marisangela Marinho帮他在自己够不到的地方注射。他说:“我告诉她没问题,过一段时间就会从身体里排出。”但她知道真相后,告诉他要在他们的婚姻和合成油之间选择其一。“那是我生命中最难熬的一段时间,我患上了抑郁,还因为企图自杀被炒了鱿鱼。”

  Romario's biceps had swollen to an incredible 25 inches but reactions from members of the public meant that his mental health deteriorated. He said: "I was hospitalised in a clinic and my wife was six months pregnant - it was just me and her, no friends or family. "I decided to fix my ways and I never again wanted to take any drugs, we went through a really hard time and almost starved." Soon the filler began causing Romario constant pain and he almost suffered kidney failure due to the toxins in the oil。


  Romario has not used the substance for two years but other muscle enhancing drugs still tempt him from time to time. "I remember the doctor told me that they would need to amputate both arms. They said everything in there, all my muscles, were rock。


  He still has ambitions to become a professional bodybuilder but is committed to staying clean.He added: "I still feel like taking synthol but I won't take it again. If you take it once there will definitely be a second time - it's addictive."I regret it a lot - my ambition is still to become a bodybuilder but I've got a long way to go. I know I will achieve it though."


(Ivy via mirror)

文章关键词: 肌肉手臂小伙

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