
2015年05月08日09:28  爱语吧     收藏本文     
It seems the Grammy Awards just don’t favor Katy Perry – the US singer and songwriter has been nominated 13 times for her music without ever taking home a prize. But Twitter users and music lovers obviously don’t see eye-to-eye with the award committee. 看起来格莱美大奖真的是不钟情凯蒂·佩里——这位美国创作型歌手已经被提名13次,但是却没有一次抱奖而归。但是很显然,推特用户和音乐爱好者和与格莱美奖项委员会的看法不同。 It seems the Grammy Awards just don’t favor Katy Perry – the US singer and songwriter has been nominated 13 times for her music without ever taking home a prize. But Twitter users and music lovers obviously don’t see eye-to-eye with the award committee. 看起来格莱美大奖真的是不钟情凯蒂·佩里——这位美国创作型歌手已经被提名13次,但是却没有一次抱奖而归。但是很显然,推特用户和音乐爱好者和与格莱美奖项委员会的看法不同。
In 2013 Perry became the most followed person on Twitter and, with nearly 70 million followers today, she still reigns supreme. 2013年,佩里成为推特上粉丝最多的明星。到今天,已拥有7000万粉丝的她,领头羊的地位仍不可撼动。 In 2013 Perry became the most followed person on Twitter and, with nearly 70 million followers today, she still reigns supreme. 2013年,佩里成为推特上粉丝最多的明星。到今天,已拥有7000万粉丝的她,领头羊的地位仍不可撼动。
In an interview with USA Today she shared her secrets to successfully managing social media, giving tips such as “don’t use it just to promote yourself”, “don’t be self-*indulgent” and “ignore your haters”. 在接受《今日美国》报纸的采访时,她分享了成功驾驭社交媒体的秘密,列举的窍门有“别把它只当做推销自己的工具”,“别太沉浸在自我中”和“无视那些讨厌你的人”等。 In an interview with USA Today she shared her secrets to successfully managing social media, giving tips such as “don’t use it just to promote yourself”, “don’t be self-*indulgent” and “ignore your haters”. 在接受《今日美国》报纸的采访时,她分享了成功驾驭社交媒体的秘密,列举的窍门有“别把它只当做推销自己的工具”,“别太沉浸在自我中”和“无视那些讨厌你的人”等。
Perry isn’t just friendly with her fans online, she also makes connections with them in the real world. 佩里并不只是在网上与粉丝友好互动,她还在现实生活中与他们保持联系。 Perry isn’t just friendly with her fans online, she also makes connections with them in the real world. 佩里并不只是在网上与粉丝友好互动,她还在现实生活中与他们保持联系。
This month, the 30-year-old pop star brought her Prismatic World Tour to Guangzhou and Shanghai. Tickets were sold out shortly after they went on sale online. 这个月,这位30岁流行歌手开办的五光十色世界巡回演唱会转战到了广州和上海。演唱会门票在网上开售后短时间内被一抢而空。 This month, the 30-year-old pop star brought her Prismatic World Tour to Guangzhou and Shanghai. Tickets were sold out shortly after they went on sale online. 这个月,这位30岁流行歌手开办的五光十色世界巡回演唱会转战到了广州和上海。演唱会门票在网上开售后短时间内被一抢而空。
The artist gave her all to meet fans’ high expectations, belting through a selection of her most popular hits including “Roar”, style Teenage Dream and Firework. She even invited fans to come up on stage to teach her to say “I love you” in Chinese and “Fruit Sister”, as she is called by many Chinese fans, making her screaming fans even crazier. 为了满足粉丝的超高期待,这位 艺术家使出了浑身解数,串烧了多首她的最流行热门歌曲,包括“咆哮”中文歌名用书名号,“少年梦”和“焰火”。她甚至还把粉丝请到舞台上去,让他们教她用 汉语说“我爱你”和“水果姐”,因为许多中国粉丝都这样叫她。这一举动让舞台下尖叫的粉丝更加难以自拔。 The artist gave her all to meet fans’ high expectations, belting through a selection of her most popular hits including “Roar”, style Teenage Dream and Firework. She even invited fans to come up on stage to teach her to say “I love you” in Chinese and “Fruit Sister”, as she is called by many Chinese fans, making her screaming fans even crazier. 为了满足粉丝的超高期待,这位 艺术家使出了浑身解数,串烧了多首她的最流行热门歌曲,包括“咆哮”中文歌名用书名号,“少年梦”和“焰火”。她甚至还把粉丝请到舞台上去,让他们教她用 汉语说“我爱你”和“水果姐”,因为许多中国粉丝都这样叫她。这一举动让舞台下尖叫的粉丝更加难以自拔。
On social media, Perry doesn’t fight back against every rumor or criticism directed her way. Her music, which stands as her foothold in the business, also keeps her style consistent. She sticks to herself and pays no attention to anyone who says otherwise. 使用社交媒体时,佩里不会回击每一个针对她的流言或指责。她赖以安身立命的音乐也保持着她不变的风格。她坚持自我,无视否定她的人。 On social media, Perry doesn’t fight back against every rumor or criticism directed her way. Her music, which stands as her foothold in the business, also keeps her style consistent. She sticks to herself and pays no attention to anyone who says otherwise. 使用社交媒体时,佩里不会回击每一个针对她的流言或指责。她赖以安身立命的音乐也保持着她不变的风格。她坚持自我,无视否定她的人。
Perry first made her entrance into the music biz in 2008 with her hit single I Kissed a Girl, and she came to international fame with the multi-platinum album Teenage Dream in 2010. Unwilling to join the ranks of the average pop-rock idols, Perry developed a controversial style featuring colorful dresses and straightforward lyrics. 佩里在2008年凭单曲“我吻了一个女孩” 初次进军音乐界,2010年发行的白金唱片《少年梦》则为她带来了国际盛誉。佩里无意与一般的流行-摇滚偶像为伍,而是以色彩斑斓的穿着及直接明了的歌词自成一派。 Perry first made her entrance into the music biz in 2008 with her hit single I Kissed a Girl, and she came to international fame with the multi-platinum album Teenage Dream in 2010. Unwilling to join the ranks of the average pop-rock idols, Perry developed a controversial style featuring colorful dresses and straightforward lyrics. 佩里在2008年凭单曲“我吻了一个女孩” 初次进军音乐界,2010年发行的白金唱片《少年梦》则为她带来了国际盛誉。佩里无意与一般的流行-摇滚偶像为伍,而是以色彩斑斓的穿着及直接明了的歌词自成一派。
With her latest album Prism (2013), she’s developed a “cooler” and “more sophisticated” style, as she told global lifestyle magazine Elle. In Roar, a musical autobiography about her transformation from a passive girl into a woman who can stand on her own two feet, she stresses self-empowerment and self-esteem. 她对环球时尚杂志《依都锦》表示,在其最新专辑《棱镜》(2013)中,她的风格更加“酷炫”、“老道”。歌曲“咆哮”中,她用音乐书写了自传,讲述了自己从一个消极的女孩蜕变成自立的成熟女性的过程,凸显了自强与自尊。 With her latest album Prism (2013), she’s developed a “cooler” and “more sophisticated” style, as she told global lifestyle magazine Elle. In Roar, a musical autobiography about her transformation from a passive girl into a woman who can stand on her own two feet, she stresses self-empowerment and self-esteem. 她对环球时尚杂志《依都锦》表示,在其最新专辑《棱镜》(2013)中,她的风格更加“酷炫”、“老道”。歌曲“咆哮”中,她用音乐书写了自传,讲述了自己从一个消极的女孩蜕变成自立的成熟女性的过程,凸显了自强与自尊。
In a conversation with USA Today, Perry offered up this observation: “If you tried to please everyone, you’d have no sense of self. You’d lose yourself in the process of being a people-pleaser and there’d be nothing unique left.” 在与《今日美国》报刊的对话中,佩里分享了自己的心得:“如果你试图取悦每个人,那你就不会有自我意识。就会在取悦别人中丢掉自我,丧失独一无二的自己。” In a conversation with USA Today, Perry offered up this observation: “If you tried to please everyone, you’d have no sense of self. You’d lose yourself in the process of being a people-pleaser and there’d be nothing unique left.” 在与《今日美国》报刊的对话中,佩里分享了自己的心得:“如果你试图取悦每个人,那你就不会有自我意识。就会在取悦别人中丢掉自我,丧失独一无二的自己。”

文章关键词: 水果姐学英语组图

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