1、A 5-year-old’s stirring marriage proposal。一个五岁孩子的碎碎念求婚信
Dear Steven, I want to marry you。 I love you very much。 I think you‘re cute。 When we grow up we will have our own house。 I hope I see you soon。 I hope you like this letter。 Well I’ll see you soon。 Bye。
2、The love letter that’s a work of art。堪称艺术品的情书。
Wes,I drew youthis lovely masterpiece to provemy heartto you。。。
3、The love letter that isn’t funny at all。一封非常严肃的情书。
Dear Alexis, how are you today? I want to inform you that I kind of like you。 Don‘t laugh, this is serious.sincerely, Ryan
4、The letter from two kid with special needs, him with Autism and her with FAS。一封来自特殊情况儿童的情书,他患有孤独症,她患有胎儿酒精综合症。
Hi, Taylor。 I miss you and I love you.From Avin
I would like to see you soon Please call me。
5、The letter that requires you to make a very important decision。一封要对方做出重大决定的情书。
I love you。 Do you love me?yes no
6、The letter from an 11-year-old who’s patiently waiting for an answer。一个11岁孩子的情书,他耐心的等待着答复。
DON‘T LET ANYONE SEE THIS.Dear Cathy, I still like you and I still want you to go with me。 I know Brad likes you。 Please decide who your’re going to go with。 Think hard and let me know your decision。 I‘ll be standing at the end of this hall and the beginning of the other hall, meet me there as soon as school’s out and you can tell me.sincerely, Trever
7、The love note from a future lawyer。一封来自未来律师的情书。
I love Christy Smith very very very much。 That is the whole truth。 Nothing but the truth。 So help me。