If you are tired because of busy life, family will be a solid moral support. Normally, when we discuss the family’s love, the first thing we think of is the maternal sentiment but we also should not forget other sacred feelings called paternal sentiment.
As far as we know, we now live in a society where fathers are similar to mothers in providing care to their children. So, there’s a special bond between a father and a daughter. To illustrate this special and tender love in the most exquisite way, Snezhana Soosh, a young painter, has drew beautiful watercolor paintings on her Instagram. These sweet pictures prove us that the true and big power of our dads is in just how kind, careful, and gentle. Father used his lifetime to protect, and love his daughter.
我们知道,如今我们生活在一个父亲也像母亲那般关爱孩子的社会中。所以,父女之间也有着特别的纽带。为了用最细腻的方式来呈现这种特别又温柔的关爱,青年画家Snezhana Soosh在她的Instagram上发表了她绘制的精美水彩画。这些甜蜜的图片向我们展现了父亲们真实又强大的力量:他们是如此体贴、细心、温和。父亲用他的一生去保护、关爱她的女儿。
Each image will bring many different emotions for readers. Let your heart be captivated as you go through these cute and short father daughter pictures which will make you love your dad even more.
Dads are always ready to protect us from anything — whether it’s the bullies at school or the monsters under our beds.
Dads are never afraid of doing impossible things for us. Learning how to braid our hair, for example.
When you’re with daddy you always feel like you’re on the top of the world.
He’s so warm and cozy.
A big dad can easily become smaller for his beloved daughter.
Dads always find the time to join us at our little tea party, even when they’re very busy.
They know exactly what we enjoy.
That’s why it’s always so hard to let them go.
They play together.
Dads can do anything, including crazy freaky things.
Or help us deal with something really difficult.
They’re always ready to have fun!
Dads use their lifetime to protect and love their daughters.