Apple’s success in the next fiscal year could hinge on whether it’s able to muster enough sales for the new iPhones in emerging markets, especially China.
“I’m not so impressed,” Kelly & Co Managing partner Kevin Kelly told FOX Business’ Liz Claman on ‘Countdown to the Closing Bell’ on Tuesday. “Especially because this isn’t going to move the needle.”
Kelly公司的管理合伙人Kevin Kelly在周二收盘倒计时中告诉FOX Business专栏的Liz Claman:“我没有被新产品震撼到,主要是因为它根本就不会有大的变动。”
Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) CEO Tim Cook unveiled the highly anticipated new prototype, the 10th anniversary iPhone X -- and several others -- on Tuesday at the company’s new $5 billion headquarters in Cupertino, Calif. Some of the new features will include facial recognition software, a button-less face and increased durability.
苹果(NASDAQ:Apple)首席执行官Tim Cook周二在加州新成立的耗资50亿美元的总部发布了备受期待的iPhone X和其他几款新产品,包括面部识别、无按键和更耐用这些新功能。
The phone, which is available for preorder on Oct. 27, costs $999. But, that price tag could ultimately hurt the tech giant, Kelly said -- particularly in Asia.
“It’s a status symbol,” he said. “A lot of Chinese consumers don’t need it, they don’t want it. The technology isn’t worth them paying up.”
In recent years, Apple has faced increasing competition from companies, and its share of the global smartphone market has slipped from 19.4% in 2012 to 14.5% last year, according to Strategy Analytics, a market research firm.
市场研究公司Strategy Analytics的数据显示,近年来,苹果面临日益激烈的竞争,其在全球智能手机市场的份额已从2012年的19.4%下滑至去年的14.5%。