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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/19 19:15  新浪教育

  Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should

  1) describe the drawing,

  2) interpret its implications, and

  3) give your comments.

  You should write 160—200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)


  Road Zipper Phenomenon [公路拉锁现象]

  As is shown in the above two pictures, road zipper phenomenon arises from time to time to reveal the harmfulness of project without advanced planning. In one picture the slogan celebrates the completion of a highway with cars and trucks coming and going. Contrary to this, the other picture has a big slogan along the same road, saying “Start the pavement of pipelines”. Quite surprisingly, this change has just happened only within two months!

  What the pictures symbolizes is that any work or project without blueprint may be detrimental and even threatening to normal life and constructions. Just as a manned spaceship traveling without plans is perilous and formidable, so is a solo ship sailing in the sea without direction. Thus, work or life is unimaginable without any planning and management. If you want to hunt for a better job, you should begin with your own preparation. For instance, take a sheet of resume to introduce your education background, work experiences and other qualifications, all of which are so-called intelligent planning to sell your services, to show your interests and to make yourself well-defined. Only in this well-planned manner can you have a much brighter future rendered by the society.

  From my standpoint, everyone in this changing society has to carefully determine what to do next and how. If not planned in advance, what has been done is nothing good but to offer the potential threat to daily life and working convenience. In this case, we, with plans in mind, have every reason to believe: “Work without plan means failure without doubt!” [258 words]


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