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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/26 11:56  北京领航考研

  第一段(描述现象)Nowaday there is often a lack of understanding between A and B.On the one hand, A find it difficult to...。On the other hand, B complain that ... are too "old-fashioned"(to)...。So whenever... are in trouble ,they will seek help from ... instead of from...

  第二段(分析原因)There are some possible reasons for the problem.In the fir
st place,...。In the second place,...put too much pressure on ...and spare little time to ...。Finally... (参考原因:Even if A listen to the explanation of B, A often disagree with B.) As a result, the problem is becoming more and more serious.

  第三段(对症下药,给出建议。)To bridge the (gap) between A and B, both of them should be co-operative. For A ,they should be considerate of ... ( for the sake of ... ). As for B, they should ...。With joint efforts, A and B can reach a better understanding...


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