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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/01/10 13:02  北京领航考研




  Study the following set of drawings carefully and write an essay in which you should

  1) describe the set of drawings,

  2) analyze the purpose of the painter and

  3) state your position.

  You should write about 160-200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20points)


  As is vividly revealed in the series of drawings above, a man has to go to four hospitals to confirm his health condition due to the irresponsibility of medical units, which seems to be humorous and funny but is most thought-provoking on second thoughts.

  The aim of the painter of the drawings can be briefed as follows. To begin with, the irresponsibility in some working units can no longer be ignored by us. Accidents of various kinds resulting from irresponsibility happen more frequently than ever before. Coal mine accidents and medical accidents reported by the media are the cases in point. In the international communication, our irresponsibility has spoiled the credibility and image of our country. Responsibility does means a lot to us. What’s more, the irresponsibility of some working units should be regarded as social malignant tumor. At present the grim status contradicts our efforts to build up a harmonious society. The irresponsibility spells us heavy physical and psychological burden. And most often, the people who are frequently mistreated with irresponsibility will develop deep hatred for our society. In one word, the irresponsibility must be removed because it hinders the progress of our society.

  In my view, concrete and effective measures must be taken to get rid of the phenomenon of irresponsibility. On the one hand, laws and regulations must be established to stop the existing irresponsibility. On the other hand, the importance of responsibility should be widely spread to make every citizen honor the sense of responsibility. Only in this way can we live in a safe and harmonious society. (262 words)

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