考研英语复习阅读材料:黄鹤楼简介(英汉版) | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/06/15 14:33 恩波教育 | |
长江上有四大历史名楼,武汉的黄鹤楼,湖南的岳阳楼,南昌的滕王阁,和南京的阅江楼。岳阳楼我没去过,滕王阁去过两次(前几年在南昌上过考研课),南京的阅江楼在自家门口,武汉的黄鹤楼这是第一次光顾,登高望远,心旷神怡啊。现摘黄鹤楼的中英文简介与各位阅读分享,我对其英文部分做了些注解,同学们可以比对着看,既能学到语言知识,又能体会到翻译其实是需要灵活处理的,毕竟翻译的目的是传递意思而已。 —————— 名闻遐迩的黄鹤楼,以其巍峨的雄姿耸立在武昌蛇山之巅。自古就享有“天下江山第一楼”的盛誉。 黄鹤楼始建于三国吴黄武二年(公元223年),历代文人墨客登楼银诗做赋,畅抒情怀,流传至今的诗词逾千首,文赋过百篇,且有多如珠玑的 神话传说散落民间。—————— The Yellow Crane Tower, standing at the top of the Snake Hill imposingly(壮观地,令人印象深刻地), has been enjoying the great fame of “No. 1 tower among all the landscapes(风景)”. Yellow Crane Tower was first built in the second year of Huangwu of Wu during the Three Kingdoms (A.D.223 year). Scholars and men of letters(文学家) through the ages mounted the tower, composed poetry and wrote prose(文赋<无韵>), enlarging (on)(原文无on,恐有误,该短语意为“详述,细说”) the magnificent landscape of the Yellow Crane Tower. Today there are over one thousand pieces of poetry and over one hundred pieces of prose handed down(流传下来), in addition to many legends scattering(散落) into the folks(某一国家或地区的人们). 更多信息请访问:新浪考研频道 |