高级英语复习笔记及讲解--第三部分 | |||||||||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/08 17:34 自考365.COM | |||||||||
Lesson Six: a good chance 1. keep in touch with : contact 保持联系. 如; Let's keep in touch .让我们保持联系吧.
Keep in close touch with me. 与我保持密切联系. 2. (be) in for : certain to undergo 不能避免. 如: The naughty boy is in for a beating. 淘气的男孩免不了要挨打. We are in for a rainy season. 我们不可避免要遭遇雨季. It looks as if we're in for stormy weather. 看那样子,似乎我们一定会遇到暴风雨. 3. reference : a mention , allusion 提及. 如: The court made numerous references to him as a witness. 法院经常传他去做证人. 4. in good spirits : 情绪很好. spirits : [plural] mood with regard to great happiness or great sadness 情绪. 如: I hope you will be in better spirits when we meet again. 我希望我们下次见面时你情绪会好些. He is so depressed that I wonder who could lift his spirits. 他非常沮丧,我不知他能否振作起来. 5. embitter: make bitter and angry 使......怨恨. 如; Being scolded without good reasons embittered him. 让人无端指责,他感到一腔怨气. en-, em(在b,p前) 加在名词或形容词上转成动词. 另如: enable (使能够) ; enamor 引起......的爱; encase 将......装入箱中;enchant 施以魔法,使着迷. embody 具体体现; empower 授权; emotionally 使成紫色. 6. agitate : to disturb or excite emotionally 使不安,使兴奋. 如: His fiery speech agitated the crowd. 他的激情演讲让听众大为兴奋. He was explaining the situation in an agitated manner. 他兴奋地说明着当时的情形. Agitate oneself over ... 为......独自焦虑. 如: Don't agitate yourself over such a thing. 不要为这种事焦虑. 7. know of his whereabouts 知道他的下落. a) know of : have heard about 听说过,知道(有......). 如: Do you know of any cinema in this neighborhood 你知道这小区里有电影院吗 I know of a shop where you can get things like this. 我知道有一家商店,你可以买到这样的东西. I don't know him, but I know of him. 我不认识他,但知道有这个人. b) whereabouts : the place where a person or thing is 下落,去向. 如: I'm still in the dark about his whereabouts. 我仍然不知道他的下落. 8. inch : move by small degrees 缓慢行进. 如: The children inched through the traffic. 孩子们在拥挤的交通中缓慢前进. I inched my way through the narrow space been the trucks. 9. tentative : a) of the nature of an experiment 试验性的; b) unsure , not definite , hesitant 犹豫. a tentative arrangement 临时安排/a tentative offer 试验性建议 10. scoff at : mock at ; jeer at : 嘲笑,嘲弄. 如: You should not scoff at others' belief. 你不能嘲笑别人的信仰. 11. end up : reach a final state or condition 最后(有了某种结局),最后. 如: If you drive so rashly, you will end up in hospital. 如果你这么鲁莽开车,最终会住进医院的. He ended up tired and broke. 他最后累垮了,破产了. 12. associate with : keep company with 与......陪伴. 如: He didn't allow his daughter to associate with anyone who smoked or drank. 他不让他女儿与任何抽烟或喝酒的人为伍. Whitman always associated with the working masses. 惠特曼总是和工人阶级在一起. Lesson Eight : Lesson in Living 1.inedible : not fit to be eaten 不可食的,不宜食用的 2.swirl : ( cause to ) move or flow at varying speeds , with twice and turns 涡旋而动,使打旋. 如:A gust of wind swirled dust about the streets. 阵风吹起灰尘弥漫大街. The snow was swirling in the air. 雪花在空中盘旋. 3. ... that would have peeled like a plum if snagged. peel: came off in strips or flakes 剥落,脱皮. 如:The wall-paper seems to be peeling off. 墙纸看来要剥落了. 4.let alone : without reference to , or considering 更不必说. 如; He doesn't have money for food, let alone amusements. 他连吃饭的钱都没有,更甭说娱乐了. 5.incessant : continual , often repeated : 不断的,不停的. 如:incessant chatter 喋喋不休;incessant rain 连绵不断的雨. 6. It would be safe to say that ... 可以这么说....... 如; It would be safe to say that you would get nowhere if you are so lazy .可以这么说,如果你这样懒惰,你将一事无成. 7.pick her way : 慎行. 另如:pick one's words 精选词语;pick flaws 找碴;pick and steal 小偷小摸;pick and choose 挑三拣四. 8.bear in mind : remember 记住. 如:Please bear in mind that we are friends. 请记住,我们是朋友. 9. Infuse them with infuse : fill 灌输. 如:The coach infused the team with enthusiasm. 教练给队员注入了热情. They tried to infuse them with new ideas. 他试图给他们灌输新思路. 10. My imagination boggled at the punishment I would deserve... a. boggle : to overwhelm or bewilder , as with magnitude or complexity 吃惊,受惊,心惊肉跳 b. deserve : be worthy of ... 值得 11. it follows that ... (由......推断)结果自然是...... . 如:From what he said, it follows that he didn't like the girl. 从他所说的推断,自然是他不喜欢那女孩. 12. that in those homely sayings was couched the collective wisdom of generations. a. 根据上文* "that" 可以理解为in that (即;因为) b. that 后面是倒装句,正常语序应为:The collective ... was couched in those homely sayings. c. homely : simple , unpretentious ; commonly known , familiar 朴素的,不华丽的. 如:a homely meal 家常便饭. d. couch : put ( a thought , etc , in words ) 以某种措词表达. 如:They couched criticisms in factual language. 他们用事实的语言表达了批评. 13. Search ... for the enchantment ...: look through a place carefully in order to find something missing; explore or examine in order to discover 仔细寻找. 一般结构为:Search + place + (for) object. 如:He searches every drawer for the notebook. 为了找笔记本,他搜遍了每个抽屉. I search my memory for his name. 我努力在记忆中寻找他的名字. 14. Singled ... out: pick or choose (one) from others 单单挑出. 如:He singled me out for special mention. 他单单特别提到了我. Why single him out for criticism 为什么就单单批评他 15. take to : to respond favorably to 开始喜欢,迷上. 如:I took to literature long time ago. 我很久以前就迷上文学. Why did you take to bowling 你为什么迷上保龄球 16. trail off : become gradually weaker and fade away (声音等)渐渐消失. 如:His voice trailed off into silence. 他的声音慢慢消失,后来什么声音也没有了. Lesson Nine: the trouble with TV 1. A. prominent anchorman warns of TV's adverse effect on America's culture. a. prominent : outstanding , easily seen , important , distinguished 突出的,显著的,重要的,杰出的.:a prominent position / writer显赫的地位,著名作家. acquire / gain prominence 出人头地. b. anchorman : (广播,电视)(新闻,体育等节目的)主持人. c. adverse : unfavorable , contrary 不利的,负面的. 如:adverse circumstances逆境; adverse effect负面影响; a theory adverse to the facts与事实相反的理论. developments adverse to our interests与我们的利益相反的发展. adversary :(竞争中的)对手. 2. if you fit the statistical averages , ......假若你处于平均数...... 如;on an (the) average 平均起来,一般来说: On (an) the average , I finish reading a book three weeks .一般而言,我平均三星期读完一本书. He smoked about ten cigarettes a day on an average. 他平均一天抽十根香烟. 3. (be) exposed to : lay open to 使暴露于...... 如:Don't expose children to ill effects of the Internet .不要让孩子受因特网的负面影响. Her youth and beauty could expose her to danger .她的年轻美貌可能为她招致危险. 如;Exposure: n. He threatened me with public exposure .他威胁我要把我曝光. Much exposure to different cultures is part and parcel of education .大量接触不同文化是教育的主要组成部分. 4. ... it discourages concentration. Discourage (prevent) sb. from ...使......放弃 如;The bad weather discouraged them from going out for the picnic .恶劣的天气使他们放弃外出野炊的计划. It is discouraging that ...很扫兴,....... dis 加在名词,形容词,动词上,表示否定. 如;able - disable使残废; disassociation分离; discharge放电; discontinue中断; disease疾病(由"不舒适"转危而来) 5. rewarding : affording satisfaction or valuable experience ; affording material gain有价值的,有益的. 如:a rewarding experience (effort)有益的经验(尝试). 6. applied effort :拼命努力 apply oneself to 努力进行,致力于. 如:It's hard to apply yourself to some dull work .无聊的工作很难专心致志地干. He applied himself to serious studies .他专心致志进行严肃的研究. 7. The dullest , the least gifted of (最没有天赋的)can achieve things that seem miraculous ... a. dull : slow - witted 愚钝的 b. miraculous 奇迹般地,不可思议的.另如:work ( accomplish ) a miracle创造一个奇迹. 8. divert : turn in another direction使转向; amuse , entertain娱乐,消遣. 如:Nothing could divert his attention from his book .没有什么能转移他读书的注意力. The traffic was diverted onto a side road. 交通被引导到旁边的小路. 9. lead : action of guiding or giving an example 领引,率先. 如:take the lead领先; follow sb's lead效法某人; gain the lead占居首位. 10. perpetual : never-ending永久的.如; perpetual chatter喋喋不休; perpetual motion 永恒运动. 11. usurp : to seize and hold by force or without legal right 篡夺,霸占,强夺篡权. 如:The assistant began to usurp his boss's authority .助手开始篡夺老板的权力. The duke attempted to usurp the throne. 公爵试图篡夺王位. 12. surrender ( oneself ) to : to give ( oneself ) up to some influence , course , etc.沉溺于;沉迷于. 如:He surrendered to despair ( grief ) .他沉溺于绝望(悲伤). He surrendered himself to a life of pleasure. 他沉迷于享乐. 13. The surest way to do sth. is ...做某事的最可靠的方法是...... 如:The surest way to succeed is to work hard.取得成功最可靠的方法是努力工作. 14. To strain the attention of strain : make excessive demands upon使劲用,因过度使用而伤害. 如:strain oneself竭尽全力,劳累过度. He strained his voice to be heard above the noise周围太吵,他强拉嗓子大喊,人们才听得见他. He strained every muscle to life the box. 他用尽所有力气举起箱子. 15. inherent in : existing as a permanent part or quality that cannot be taken out固有的,与生具有的. 如:A love of peace is inherent in human nature .热爱和平是人固有的本性. 16. ... had bequeathed to us tables of stone commanding that... a. bequeath : hand down , pass on传给后代; to dispose of property or money by means of will立遗嘱赠与...... 如:I bequeath all my worldly goods to my wife .我将我所有的财产赠与我的妻子. One age bequeaths its civilization to the next. 一个时代将其文明留给下一个时代. b. tablets of stone 石碑. 17. Package: vt. to combine or offer as a single unit 把作为整体提出或推销.Adj. 一揽子. 如:a package tour由旅行社代办一切的旅行; package deal 整批交易. 18. pervade : become spread throughout all parts of弥漫 如:The smell of coffee pervaded the air .咖啡的气味弥漫在空中. Practical ideas pervaded the whole land. 整个国家弥漫着实际的思想. 19. It tends to make things ultimately boring and dismissible... a. ultimate : furthest or farthest最远的.如: an ultimate destination最终目的地. decisive , conclusive决定性的.如: the ultimate authority最终权威. final , total总数.如: the ultimate cost 最终成本. b. dismiss : put aside from consideration 驱除. 如:He dismissed the idea for it was just too impractical .他排除了这个观点,因为那太不合实际了. 20. A substitute for ...: a person or thing serving in place of another 替代. 如:Guess work is no substitute for investigation .猜测不能代替调查. A substitute was sent in when one of the star players was injured. 一位主角受伤了,就派来了一位替身. substitute for :代替. 如:Who will substitute for you if you are ill 如果你病了,谁替你 21. (Come) fall short of: to fail to reach a standard, level, etc. 没达到, 赶不上. 如:His income may fall short of his needs .他的收入达不到他的需求. The result fell short of our expectations. 结果大失我们所望. 22. wholesale : in large amounts or on a large scale 大量地,不分青红皂白地. 如:The company fired people wholesale last year .公司去年大规模裁员. wholesale批发 - retail零售. 更多信息请访问:新浪自考频道 |