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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/19 11:29  学习家园

  1.Scarlet:I’d like to buy a ticket to Detroit.


  A.Round-trip or One-way?

  B.Go ahead.

  C.What can I do for you?

  D.Are you living in Detroit?

  2.Tommy:How is everything with you?


  A.And you?

  B.They are much better than before.

  C.Yeah, it’s beautiful.

  D.Can’t complain.

  3.Larry:Why not stay here a little longer?

  Mary:I’d love to, but I really have to go. Thank you for inviting me.


  A.Well, hope to see you again.

  B.On top of the world, thanks.

  C.Pleased to meet you.

  D.It is easy to get to your place.

  4.Larry: I hate the nasty weather in this season of the year.

  Amy: ____

  A.I can’t agree more.

  B.No wonder you look so depressed.

  C.Thanks for saying that.

  D.It is none of your business.

  5.Janet: Can we talk for a second?

  Amy: ______

  Janet: Well, sort of. Yes.

  A.Sorry, I am busy at the moment.

  B.Where shall we meet?

  C.Sure, is there anything wrong?

  D.What can I do for you?

  6.Jamie:I am taking my final examination tomorrow.

  Lily:Oh, really? ______

  Jamie:Thank you for your good wish.


  B.Good luck!

  C.You made it.

  D.May I help you?

  7. General Manager:I think that is all for the coffee break. Stop the jokes and let us carry on with our discussion.

  Johnny:Okay. ______

  General Manager:Next topic is about…

  A. My pleasure.

  B.I’m glad to hear that.

  C.Let’s go to the point.


  8.Doctor: ______

  Patient: I am a teacher for a training center.

  Doctor: Do you often get tired?

  Patient: Yes, sort of.

  A.Where do you work?

  B.How do you feel now?

  C.What is your job?

  D.What is your address?

  9.Jack:Would you mind passing me the paper for me, Henry?

  Henry:______, here you are.

  A.Sure, my pleasure

  B.Yes,I mind

  C.I’d like to help, but I am afraid that I can not.

  D.Not at all

  10.John:Mary, this is Joe’s brother David.

  Mary:I’m very glad to meet you.

  David:It’s a pleasure to meet you.


  David:It’s really different from what I expected.

  John:Don’t worry. You’ll get used to it in no time.

  A.How is Joe?

  B.How do you like Florida so far?

  C.How are you doing so far?

  D.Would you like some tea?

  11.Jason:So, Annie, what do you do?

  Annie: ______

  A.I am cooking some fruit pie for the buffet.

  B.I am free now. What can I do for you?

  C.I am an actor.

  D.How do you do?

  12.Ken: How have you been these days, Jack?


  A.Nice to meet you!

  B.Can’t complain.

  C.Would you like going out this evening together?

  D.No one cares.

  13.Annie: Would you mind passing me the salt?

  Mel: ______

  A.Not at all, here you are.

  B.Okay, give you.

  C.Okay, so long.

  D.Sure, see you.

  14.Paul: ______

  Jason: Phew! These bags are so heavy that I cannot go on one more step.

  Paul: Just put them down. Let me open the door.

  A.Here you are!

  B.Here it is!

  C.Here we are!

  D.Okay, see you tomorrow.

  15.Casey: Hello?

  Fred: Hi, Stacey?

  Casey: This is Casey. ______ .

  Casey: Stacey, a guy.

  Stacey: Hello? This is Stacey speaking.

  Fred: This is Fred.

  A.You got the wrong person.

  B.I am not she.

  C.Who is this speaking?

  D.She is in the kitchen. Just a minute, please.

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