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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/11/21 18:02  学苑中心


  A great ship asks deep water.


  Part One Vocabulary

  1.China’s Hope Project in education is strongly supported by the donations from the country’s eastern cities.

  A. grantsB. references C. accountsD. advertisements

  2. The other members of the Cabinet made fun of the Secretary of Interior when he purchased Alaska because , at the time, it was not considered valuable.

  A. admiredB. enviedC. teased D. despised

  Part Two


  No matter how employees feel about work, their primary motivation to work is to earn a living .People’s attitude 1 their jobs are 2 to the nature of their work and the reward they receive. For the factory workers, 3 is a necessary evil which merely ensures 4 . The corporation president sees work as a way of obtaining material goods 5 what is necessary for survival. Teachers and librarians, 6 not highly paid, find 7 stimulation and personal 8 in their jobs.

  In the United States there is a belief that people are 9 working, producing, and achieving. Many people believe that there is 10 of opportunity that allows anyone to become successful. This belief is exemplified by stories written by a nineteenth-century American 11 , Horatio Alger, who wrote about the “American Dream”. In his work he described poor people who become 12 because of their hard work, honesty and luck. The stories initiated the idea that all individuals, 13 poor, were capable of becoming wealthy as long as they were diligent and 14 . For many Americans however, Horatio Alger’s “rags-to riches” stories do not represent the reality of opportunity. The “American Dream” is always described as a myth; it is still difficult for several million Americans to 15 .

  1.A. on B. withC. aboutD. toward

  2. A. associated B. concerned C. dependedD. related

  3. A. itB. which C. thereD. something

  4. A. survival B. to survive     C. surviving D. being survived

  5. A. far beyond B. close behind C. excessive ofD. much exceeding

  6. A. even B. despiteC. althoughD. who were

  7. A. mental B. spiritualC. intellectualD. ideological

  8. A. saturation B. gratificationC. inauguration D. termination

  9. A. rewarded by B. trained toC. reminded of D. succeeded in

  10.A. equality B. alignment C. acquisition D. segregation

  11. A. magicianB. physician C. theoristD. novelist

  12. A. rich B. famous C. fortunate D. confident

  13. A. even ifB. no matter how  C. never being D. in case they were

  14. A. reverend B. virtuous C. unanimousD. unscrupulous

  15. A. come along B. cool down C. level off D. get ahead

  Part Three

  Chinese- English Translation

  1. 机会人人都有,但当机会来临时,不是所有的人都有准备。

  2. 越来越多的人意识到,互联网已成为一种普及和引发大众对科学产生兴趣的有效途径.


  Part One


  Part Two

  1-5: DDAAA 6-10:CBBAA 11-15: DABBD

  Part Three

  1 Opportunities come to all, but all are not ready for them when they come.

  2 It has been recognized to more and more people that Internet has become a powerful way of reaching and interesting the public in science.


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