
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月24日 09:34   无忧雅思网

  Chapter 1

  Intransitive Verbs with Particles

  To die down

  To come about

  To break down

  To get ahead

  To stand out

  To get around

  To fall through

  To hold on

  To open up

  To come up

  To break in

  To catch on

  To look on

  To settle down

  To show up

  1.For three days the wind blew hard and strong, but on the fourth day it died down. _____________

  2.I thought John and Mary were happy, but they recently got a divorce; how did it come about? _____________

  3.My old car has a very bad engine; it will probably break down and need repairs. _____________

  4.If you want to get ahead in life, you have to work hard and save your money. _____________

  5.His poor clothes really stood out at the meeting because every one else was wearing a suit and tie. _____________

  6.Since you don’t have a car or motorcycle, how do you get around? _____________

  7.Our plans for a trip to Europe fell through because we hadn’t saved enough money for the plane tickets. _____________

  8.Please hold on; I’d like to ask a question before you continue your lecture. _____________

  9.He told me all of his marriage problems, from beginning to end; he really opened up. _____________

  10.Because several students didn’t understand the teacher’s ideas, many questions came up. _____________

  11.While I was talking, Tom broke in to tell me that he disagreed. _____________

  12.After I spent two hours trying to explain the different idea, John finally caught on. _____________

  13.While his friends were playing football, poor Joe, who had a broken leg, could only look on. _____________

  14.At first the students in my class were too noisy, but eventually they settled down to work. _____________

  15.It’s already 10 o’clock and Bill hasn’t come yet; if he doesn’t show up soon, our meeting will fall through. _____________

  1.To die down – to become more quiet; to diminish, to subside

  Usual subjects: feelings (excitement, nervousness, anger, love/hatred); natural events (storm, wind, fire); sounds (music, voices, noises)

  My anger at him has died down since he apologized to me.

  After the storm, the strong winds died down.

  The loud music died down after the police came.

  2.To come about – to happen, to occur; to be caused

  Usual subject: event (accident, death, failure/success, defeat); situations (problem, discussion, argument)

  This idiom is most often used in a How-Question, when we want to know the cause of something

  How did the automobile accident come about?

  His success came about after he started working harder.

  The argument came about because they were talking about politics.

  3.To stand out – to be noticeable. To be prominent; to be clearly seen

  Usual subjects: color, tone, figure, shape, people

  With this subject, there is a contrast with something else.

  A very tall man wearing a big hat stood out in the crowd of people.

  The large black letters on this small white sign really stand out.

  Joe is so intelligent that he stands out in class.

  4.To break down – to fail to function, to stop working properly

  Usual subjects: machines (typewriter, engine, air conditioning); vehicles (car, truck, plane, train)

  The travelers were delayed because the bus had broken down.

  It would be very regrettable if the air conditioning broke down on a very hot day.

  5.To fall through – to fail to occur, not to happen

  Usual subjects: plan, project, arrangement, agreement, contract

  If your new contract agreement falls through, the workers in your company will go on strike.

  The plan for a new park fell through because no citizen wanted higher taxes.

  The project is so well planned that it couldn’t possibly fall through.

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