
2013年07月11日18:57  新浪教育 微博   

  Mr. Yuan, Mr. Goss, Distinguished Guests, Staff, Students, Parents, Ladies and Gentlemen…

  I am honored to be speaking at the MLIS – Wuhan 2013 Graduation Ceremony and bring best wishes from Mr. Sherman Jen, President and CEO of Maple Leaf Educational Systems。

  Graduates… today is a celebration marking the end of your high school career. Yes, you still have 3 weeks left at school, final exams to prepare for and write, dormitories to clean out, friends to share last minute email addresses and phone numbers with, yearbooks to autograph and teachers to thank for putting up with you for the last 3 or 4 years。

  But at the end of those 3 weeks, MLIS – Wuhan will fade into your mind and become a hopefully happy memory. Your focus will be on other things. Your plans for the summer will include finalizing visas and airplane tickets to universities and colleges in foreign countries, figuring out which clothes to take, how many suitcases to pack and wondering what life will be like in a new homestay, new dormitory, or new apartment of your own。

  Your education will continue in a new environment. There will be new faces, new customs, new food, and new accents to get used to. There will be new expectations from your professors and your landlords. For the most part you will be on your own; you will be making your own decisions; you will be accountable for your actions。

  It is my hope that the lessons learned in MLIS – Wuhan have prepared you for the next chapter in your lives. Your teachers have worked very hard giving you the knowledge and skills required to continue your studies. They have also taught you many valuable lessons in living and have prepared you for life abroad。

  I thank your parents for sending you to Maple Leaf and having the confidence in the BC system. I thank the staff for their hard work and dedication in preparing you for your future。

  And I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the amazing 4 years of leadership provided to MLIS – Wuhan by Mr. and Mrs. Goss as who are also graduating this year and heading back to Canada where they will be taking up their new roles as grandparents…

  To the Graduating Class of 2013, I wish each of you the very best for a bright, prosperous and healthy future…












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