新闻报道与评论Passage1 2008年03月12日 17:22   新东方


  Passage 1

  JINTAN, JIANGSU: The 20 students—18 boys and 2 girls—had a thousand reasons to be proud of themselves. They had just climbed their way to the top rung(阶梯) out of 4 million students taking part in the Fifth National Hua Luogeng Gold Cup Mathematics Contest (竞赛) on Tuesday evening.

  The 20 gold medal winners are all primary and middle school students under the age of 14.

  “Many of the problems are of college level and these pupils can figure them out. It is just unbelievable!” said a teacher from Guangdong province.

  Named after China’s most famous mathematician, Hua Luogeng, the contest started in 1986, one year after his death. In less than 10 years, it has been recognized by the State Education Commission (国家教委) as the country’s biggest and best contest of its kind.(1997年真题)

  1. This news story is mainly about ____.

  A. when the contest started

  B. how the contest got its name

  C. the 20 pupils who have won gold medals in the contest

  D. the 5th National Hua Luogeng Gold Cup Mathematics Contest

  2. This news story most probably appeared in a newspaper in ____.

  A. 1986B. 1987C. 1995D. 1997

  3. It can be inferred from the text that the teacher from Guangdong province ____.

  A. felt proud of the gold medal winners

  B. wondered if the students were honest

  C. thought that the problems were too difficult for the students

  D. believed that the twenty winners could go to study at university

  4. The underlined phrase “figure out” in the text means ____.

  A. work outB. add upC. guessD. study

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